Now the elections have come and gone. Nelson Chamisa lost the elections in the ballot box and in the constitutional court, he is now seeking relevancy and publicity. We will be seeing having press briefing after press briefings. He will maximise every photo opportunity.
This move is to prepare for the 2023 elections campaign. We can see that this guy Nelson Chamisa got a massive amount of criticism over his utterances at rallies. Could the Zimbabwean
voter trust, and respect a liar? The people of Zimbabwe rejected him at the polls. The elections are over and the people of Zimbabwe are watching his every move.
Nelson Chamisa will be attending every funeral, birthday and even spend the day in fuel queues just for the publicity and a chance to lie to the gullible amongst our people. Chamisa has created a character around his image. He thinks he is young at forty and he believes to has a social media community of raving fans who are not voters. The social media fans "likes" and buy all the childish stuff and lies.

We have seen him in Budiriro trying to mingle with the people and pretending to sympathise with the Cholera outbreak victims. He has not explained to the same people of how ZIDERA sanctions are at the root of the outbreak. He has not told the same people that he and Tendai Biti were in Washington in February 2018 making sure the USA government will not remove the sanctions. Chamisa has categorically stated that the people must suffer at his own rallies unless he wins.
The kudira jecha syndrome is his mantra and war cry against the people of Zimbabwe. The sanctions have a big impact on our health system. The sanctions have affected every facet of our economy and society. It is a fact that the sanctions affect thousands and thousands of people. Every Zimbabwean know that the lifting of the sanctions would help us to live happier, more fulfilling, more prosperous lives. It is this outcome of a prosperous Zimbabwe that Nelson Chamisa and MDC alliance supporters do not like.

Let us wait for the next presser from the Child President of Zimbabwe.