I can safely say this country was like a runaway train. Yes Zimbabwe, with Robert Mugabe in charge, was a train that had suddenly gone loose. No controls, no one in charge.
We were on a runaway train until the palace coup.The interface rallies were like adding fuel to a runaway train. Something had to give!! The soldiers brought the runaway train to a screeching halt.
The criminals around the former president of Zimbabwe were the target of the so-called palace coup. The criminals were the gang that had been elected and mandated to represent the people of Zimbabwe in parliament.
These criminals had assumed superpowers. They were literally unstoppable and rude. The ruling party had been hijacked. Ethics and principles were thrown out of the window.
I will always take the coup (which technical was not a coup) as a political manoeuvre. It was a process of reinventing ZANU-PF as a revolutionary party. The executive arm of government had to rearrange and recall the party leadership in order assert and reinforce the founding principles of Chimurenga. The principles and ideology had been hijacked by a cabal of wayward individuals within the ruling party. It was the brave and bold move by people in the rank and file of Zanupf.
The people were celebrating the ouster of Robert Mugabe for very different reasons. The reasons for the coup was lost in the noise and colour of the crowds. Some were celebrating for a return to Rhodesia, some were celebrating the fall of Grace, some were celebrating the fall of an elected dictator and some just wanted to shake the hands of the soldiers. It was a crazy crowd.
The army reassured the sober people in the crowd that the purpose of the palace coup was to restore the liberation struggle legacy. The reason for the coup was to bring order to the ruling party and nothing else!!
The coup has not only given ZANU-PF a new leadership, it has given the party a new impetus. The opposition is afraid of losing the next elections. The coup did not work in favour of the opposition. The opposition and the Rhodesian settlers elements had anticipated chaos in ZANU-PF after the unceremonious departure of Robert Mugabe. It did not happen, this has not gone down well with the opposition.

The people of Zimbabwe are tired of the rhetoric from the opposition, can the opposition concentrate on winning elections. Can it stop complaining and start campaigning? The people have had enough over the years.
Asante sane!!!
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