I am not surprised at all that Nelson Chamisa, Tendai Biti, Dewa Mavhinga and Peter Godwin were in the USA in February and appeared before the USA Senate and called for the extension of ZIDERA sanctions on Zimbabwe. We should note that the visit and appearance were not in the public interest of the ordinary Zimbabwean. The four were there to push for the long-term project of reversing the land reform and returning the land to the Rhodesian settlers.
The objective of the visit was to smuggle the MDC into government at all cost. The MDC leadership did not hide this at all. Nelson Chamisa rhetoric on the outcome of the elections are well known and he repeated this at each and every rally in his campaign. He had to win the election or he would not accept the results. He said if he lost the elections every Zimbabwean would suffer.
He knew very well he could never win the elections but he said that he had a "secret weapon". The secret weapon as far as every Zimbabwean now knows are the ZIDERA sanctions. Mr Chamisa is the sanctions in working in the public interest or for your power hungry ego? Is inflicting pain on your fellow countrymen going to propel you to the Presidency of Zimbabwe? Do you mean that the 16 million Zimbabweans stole the elections from you?

It is a fact that sanctions are there to punish us as a nation. It is the ordinary Zimbabweans who are suffering when it comes to the cash shortages. It is not the so-called targeted politicians that are suffering. When Nostro accounts are closed it is that business or entity that the poor Zimbabweans works for that closes. It is the ordinary Zimbabwean that ends up in the street jobless. The sanctions are targeted against all Zimbabweans, not individuals as the likes of Nelson Chamisa and Tendai Biti has led some of us to believe.
The people of Zimbabwe vote for one arm of Government which is the legislature. The legislature only last for five years. The legislature is made up of politicians. There are two other permanent arms of government the executive and the judiciary. The executive is made up of civil servants i.e teachers, nurses, soldiers etc. Please note that these are professionals and technocrats that are permanently employed in the executive and judiciary.
My point is that sanctions affect the voters (never mind your party or who you voted for). The Bitis and the Chamisas are not calling only for the sanctions against 16 million Zimbabweans, but are blackmailing and threatening them as well. The sanctions are not against the Government of Zimbabwe but are against the people of Zimbabwe, that includes you.
Why should ordinary people suffer? Why should we suffer because Nelson Chamisa and Tendai Biti have lost an election? Why are we made to suffer for exercising our democratic right to chose our leaders? The very act of calling for sanctions against the people of Zimbabwe is a betrayal of the people of Zimbabwe. Can we trust anyone in the MDC alliance to lead this country? No. The people have said that by voting for the leaders they trust.
The very act of the USA imposing sanctions on Zimbabwe is an act of terrorism. The sanctions are a direct attack against Zimbabwe. The sanctions are a tool for regime change and are equal to an act of colonialism by the USA government. The USA wants to dictate who should govern Zimbabwe. The people of Zimbabwe have spoken, they have chosen their leadership.
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