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Of Consensus, Democracy and Confusion

  Where is the democracy in the CCC outfit?? The election is a democratic process of choosing a person to get into public office. The proces...

Thursday, 9 June 2016

The Zimbabwean Pledge and False Christians

I have a question for all Christians in Zimbabwe. Can you be unpatriotic and be a Christian? Can you be a Christian if you fail to honor your father and mother? Can you still be a Christian if you degrade the symbols of your nationhood and birthright? Can you be a Christian if you lie using the bible?

A good Christian will say no to all of the above questions.l think these questions are the answer to the opponents of the Zimbabwean's national pledge.

The unpatriotic Christians have taken the verses below which are being taken out of context.These people are prepared  to lie to justify their political goals. Lying is a  SIN before God and unfortunately, the wages of sin is death (Roman 6 v 23)
In Leviticus 19 v 22 it says “And ye shall not swear by my name falsely, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I [am] the LORD.” Where then does a pledge becomes a sin?

In Matthew 5 v 33 – 37 Jesus Christ said “Again you have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not swear falsely, but shall perform to the Lord what you have sworn.’ But I say to you, Do not take an oath at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God, or by the earth, for it is his footstool, or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King. And do not take an oath by your head, for you cannot make one hair white or black. Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything more than this comes from evil.”Again where does the Zimbabweans pledge becomes a sin?

In James 5 v 12 the Bible says “But above all things, my brethren, swear not, neither by heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other oath: but let your yea be yea; and [your] nay, nay; lest ye fall into condemnation.” Where in this verse does it make our pledge a sin?

Now if you have noticed I have deliberately put the question with the word pledge under each verse so that even a fool can see that the word "pledge" is not mentioned in the verse.I am finished with my bible side of the argument and I will go for the English definition of the word

  1. 1 a solemn promise or undertaking. Øa promise of a donation to charity. Ø(the pledge) a solemn undertaking to abstain from alcohol.
  2.  Law a thing that is given as security for the fulfilment of a contract or the payment of a debt and is liable to be forfeited in the event of failure. Øa thing given as a token of love, favour, or loyalty.
  3.  archaic the drinking of a person's health; a toast. 

  1.  solemnly undertake to do or give something.
  2.  Law: gives as security on a loan.
  3.  archaic drink to the health of. 

pledgee noun (Law). 
pledger noun 
pledgor noun (Law). 

Middle English (denoting a person acting as surety for another): from Old French pledge, from medieval Latin plebium, perhaps related to the Germanic base of plight. 

I took this from Concise Oxford Dictionary (11th Edition)

You will notice the word missing in the definition is "oath".Why? It is as simple as that an oath is not a pledge.People make oaths when they marry.When those men of the cloth are appointed to positions such as bishop,pope they make oaths. Now as you can see those men of God are breaking the code in those verses above.They are not only liars but have taken oaths that contravene the bible they quote from.

To all Zimbabwean and true Christians  the national pledge is what it is. It is pledge.

Monday, 23 May 2016

Robert Mugabe's Million Man March

The world waits for the million man march in Zimbabwe. The march has been organised by Robert Mugabe's ruling party youth league.It is a show of power for the living legend, African hero and statesman.The youth league's march underscores the popularity of the leader among the grassroots.

 These youth are marching in solidarity with Robert Mugabe policies on black empowerment and land distribution policies. The march is to emphasise the effect of the sanctions on employment creation and on the lives of the ordinary people of Zimbabwe. It is a march of defiance against the West and a show of power resilience.

The million man march is more  of a dramatic way to tell our story. History says one thing , the media another and reality says it all.The social media has gone wild with  people having a say for or against the march.The noise on all media channels has not detracted the youth league.

The real truth about our story gets ignored!  We are told there are no sanctions on Zimbabwe!There are so much distortion and misinformation about our story on land reform and indigenisation . Land reform and black empowerment brought us the sanctions in the year 2000. The march serves as a landmark for the patriotic people of Zimbabwe.

The main reason for the fear of the million man march is  that the powers that be, (namely white people and the countries that have put sanctions against Zimbabwe)want us to believe that we  passively suffer under our present condition .They  think we have to blame Robert Mugabe for our demise and that maybe we will not do anything about our plight. This march is  our way of sending a message not only of defiance but as a sign of resistance against the illegal sanctions.

The million man march has had the effect of forcing the pro-white opposition conjuring up #ThisFlag campaign on social media!! #ThisFlag campaign has received credible support from Rhodesians and ordinary people in the diaspora.

My hope is that those in the diaspora support the million man march by visiting Zimbabwe and march in solidarity with all Zimbabweans who have suffered under the regime of sanctions sponsored by the Western countries.

Sunday, 15 May 2016

#ThisFlag versus #OurFlag

I have seen people
trying to hashtag
by calling it

Is not for sale
Though you can buy it
In shops
Values and ethos
Are not negotiable!!

Got its colors in 1980
While #ThisFlag
Had different colors before 1980

#OurFlags colors
Are written in blood and grit
While #ThisFlag colors
Are there to spite
Distort the memory
Of our people
And #OurFlag.

#This Flag
is #OurFlag
Let it not be hanged
On traitors necks or wrapped
On foreigners bodies.

is the Zimbabwean Flag
#This Flag
Is #OurFlag
Even if you hashtag
it as #ThisFlag
IT IS #OurFlag.

Thursday, 5 May 2016

The Sanctions and the bonded Zimdollar

One of my favorite political analyst Dr. Tafataona Mahoso always referred us to the” terror of forgetting”. This phenomenon is the centerpiece of political propaganda. It works very simply you just keeping on repeating the false statement until your audience starts believing it is the gospel truth.
The first of the falsehood that has been sold by the European Union and the USA has been that there are no sanctions against Zimbabwe. This has been taken up by the their sponsored opposition party and their followers. The opposition has repackaged the sanctions as “targeted sanctions” or “restrictive measures” and has gone on further to say there are no sanctions at all on Zimbabwe.

This rhetoric and lie have been recycled in the gutter press despite the Zimbabwe Democratic and Economic Recovery Act. For the stupid ones among us , the Act is not a product of the Parliament of Zimbabwe but a racist and genocidal law made specifically to punish Zimbabweans.
This Act has been used by the Americans to confiscate Zimbabwean trade proceeds and to cut all international credit lines to Zimbabweans. If you ask the USA embassy it will say the Act does exist but the sanctions do not!! See who sponsored this bill.

 The Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act (S. 494) is an act passed by the United States Congress sanctioned to provide for a transition to democracy and to promote economic recovery in Zimbabwe.[1]
Senators Bill Frist (R-Tennessee) and Russ Feingold (D-Wisconsin) introduced the bill on March 8, 2001.[2] Senators Frist, Jesse Helms (R-North Carolina), Hillary Clinton (D-New York), and Joseph Biden (D-Delaware) sponsored the bill. The Senate passed the bill on August 1 and the House of Representatives passed the bill on December 4.[3] PresidentGeorge W. Bush signed it into law on December 21.
This is an extract from Wikipedia and everyone amongst us can read through it. This bill has been renewed since 2001. The most interesting thing is that the people who sponsored the Bill are all white and are known racists who hate blacks even in their own country. These people have actually authorized the American government to steal from Zimbabweans.

The sanctions are a way of forcing the Chimurenga to stop. The sanctions aim is to reverse the land reform program and let whites own Zimbabwean land and resources. The aim is to make every Zimbabwean suffer. Every Zimbabwean has suffered since 2001 because of ZIDERA. We have cash shortages, currency attacks, job losses, factory closures and a host of other problems because of  ZIDERA.
When we look at the US$ and how our lives have now been bonded to it, our currency is now bonded to it and all Zimbabweans are slaves to ZIDERA.It is ZIDERA that has bonded us to the USA!! It is the ZIDERA that the USA want Zimbabweans to forget   while they strangle our economy.
Zimbabweans wake up!!!

#ZIDERA  #Zimdollar  #BondNotes #Wikipedia

Friday, 22 April 2016


It is not a coincidence that the IMF is withholding funds it had intended to give to Mozambique. I am a fan of conspiracy theories and I have one for the Mozambique scenario and it is scary. Really intriguing stuff.

Let us go to the seventies. Who was the major sponsor of RENAMO in the beginning? It was the USA. It justified the sponsorship by claiming that it was countering communism. The Samora Machel regime was a good friend of Russia and China. These two countries had actual backed Frelimo in its war against the Portuguese and as we all know there was a Cold War going on.

Fast forward to the nineties. Samora is dead. His aeroplane shot down by mysterious aliens from outer space, The aliens in question had no relations to the Afrikaans in South Africa or the capitalist Western countries. The world knows there was no love lost between Samora Machel between the apartheid regime and the western power.

Have I told you I love conspiracy theories? The aliens must have shot Samora Machel plane to please the apartheid regime and the western powers gods. Well with Samora Machel dead … the Eagle and  the IMF landed. The rest is history or is it?

When the Eagle lands the vultures follow. The IMF is  one of the vultures for the western government and corporate. The western corporate got concession after concession of Mozambique’s resources. It was good while it lasted. The civil war was over as Renamo’s sponsors now were on the Mozambican government side. Alfonso Dhlakama becomes a nobody in the scheme of things.

Fast forward to the year 2010. Mozambique governments begin to award concessions to the Chinese and the Russians. The Chinese and Russians are entering a territory reserved for Western exploitation for centuries, I mean, since Vasco Da Gama ‘discovered’ Mozambique. It is crazy but true that the Cold War is not over. How can the West counter this incursion of China and Russia into their sacred territory?

It is here where most conspiracy theorists fail to weave a killer story. Renamo had been thrown to the dustbin and no Western power could induce the ICC to drag Alfonso Dhlakama for the war crimes he committed during that western sponsored civil war. This ruthless killer was dressed in a suit and put into parliament instead of being charged with war crimes. The Europeans (I mean , whites) say Africans have a short memory and we had all long forgotten of Alfonso Dhlakama , Renamo and the sponsors of war.

I do not know if you now see the link between the rise of the ugly head  of Renamo and the coming in of the Eastern Dragon and the Bear.This is where the Mozambican Finance Minister has failed to explain to IMF that Mozambique has a revolution to defend.

He needs to say in simple words. The money was used to strengthen Mozambican security in the face of the rising threat from Renamo. The act of not financing the Mozambican budget is criminal, it is as if the IMF is now sponsoring the rise of the Renamo.

The West want the resources.Mozambique must be crushed to its knees. The West are financing  Renamo again and setting up covert sanctions ,through IMF and donor agencies, against a legitimate government of Mozambique.

Africans let us wake up

Sunday, 10 April 2016

Robert Mugabe Meets The Greedy and The Liars

The war veterans did meet President Robert Mugabe. It is what transpired in the meeting that has the ordinary people of Zimbabwe talking. The war veterans and the party they belong to are at loggerheads as to how to run the affairs of the party ZANU Pf. Here is my take on the meeting.

The war veterans want total control of the party by grabbing the Commissariat Department. All party organs are now to be headed by a war veteran. They want to grab strategic organs of the party.

The recommendation wants all the committees chaired by war veterans. The recommendation if adopted will have war veterans heading the Provincial Committees and the National Executives of the Youth and Women. This recommendation will affect all post holders from the cell to the Politburo must and must be War Veterans. It will be war veterans at all levels.

This recommendation is undemocratic in the first place and secondly, what will the current pool of war veterans have the political skills to mobilise the grassroots to vote them into office.

The good that did come out of the meeting is the setting up of clear disciplinary procedures. The so-called vote-of-no-confidence gimmick by the Provincial Executive Committees was rightfully banned.

This vote-of-no-confidence was one of the most undemocratic things where an executive has the power to suspend a member of the party, without consulting the leadership of the grassroots membership.

The meeting went on to give powers to the National Disciplinary Committee to suspend or expel members in consultation with the Central Committee.

The selfishness displayed by the war veterans at the meeting was appalling, to say the least. They think Zimbabwe belongs to no one else except themselves. It is 34000 against 15 million and every one of us want a share.

The party and government must not allow this chicanery of extortion to continue. Enough is enough. These people have no long-term plans for the nation and lack social responsibility. They believe the world revolves only around them and their well-being. What about the other 15 million Zimbabweans.

The meeting was important and as President Robert Mugabe rightfully pointed out there is a need to meet the war veterans regularly. The President needs to meet every organ of the party after this meeting in order for him to get feedback and input from Zimbabweans.

Thursday, 31 March 2016

How I turned Down $50000 from Econet

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