It is not a coincidence that the IMF is withholding funds it had intended to give to Mozambique. I am a fan of conspiracy theories and I have one for the Mozambique scenario and it is scary. Really intriguing stuff.
Let us go to the seventies. Who was the major sponsor of RENAMO in the beginning? It was the USA. It justified the sponsorship by claiming that it was countering communism. The Samora Machel regime was a good friend of Russia and China. These two countries had actual backed Frelimo in its war against the Portuguese and as we all know there was a Cold War going on.
Fast forward to the nineties. Samora is dead. His aeroplane shot down by mysterious aliens from outer space, The aliens in question had no relations to the Afrikaans in South Africa or the capitalist Western countries. The world knows there was no love lost between Samora Machel between the apartheid regime and the western power.
Have I told you I love conspiracy theories? The aliens must have shot Samora Machel plane to please the apartheid regime and the western powers gods. Well with Samora Machel dead … the Eagle and the IMF landed. The rest is history or is it?
When the Eagle lands the vultures follow. The IMF is one of the vultures for the western government and corporate. The western corporate got concession after concession of Mozambique’s resources. It was good while it lasted. The civil war was over as Renamo’s sponsors now were on the Mozambican government side. Alfonso Dhlakama becomes a nobody in the scheme of things.
Fast forward to the year 2010. Mozambique governments begin to award concessions to the Chinese and the Russians. The Chinese and Russians are entering a territory reserved for Western exploitation for centuries, I mean, since Vasco Da Gama ‘discovered’ Mozambique. It is crazy but true that the Cold War is not over. How can the West counter this incursion of China and Russia into their sacred territory?
It is here where most conspiracy theorists fail to weave a killer story. Renamo had been thrown to the dustbin and no Western power could induce the ICC to drag Alfonso Dhlakama for the war crimes he committed during that western sponsored civil war. This ruthless killer was dressed in a suit and put into parliament instead of being charged with war crimes. The Europeans (I mean , whites) say Africans have a short memory and we had all long forgotten of Alfonso Dhlakama , Renamo and the sponsors of war.
I do not know if you now see the link between the rise of the ugly head of Renamo and the coming in of the Eastern Dragon and the Bear.This is where the Mozambican Finance Minister has failed to explain to IMF that Mozambique has a revolution to defend.
He needs to say in simple words. The money was used to strengthen Mozambican security in the face of the rising threat from Renamo. The act of not financing the Mozambican budget is criminal, it is as if the IMF is now sponsoring the rise of the Renamo.
The West want the resources.Mozambique must be crushed to its knees. The West are financing Renamo again and setting up covert sanctions ,through IMF and donor agencies, against a legitimate government of Mozambique.
Africans let us wake up
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