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Monday, 23 May 2016

Robert Mugabe's Million Man March

The world waits for the million man march in Zimbabwe. The march has been organised by Robert Mugabe's ruling party youth league.It is a show of power for the living legend, African hero and statesman.The youth league's march underscores the popularity of the leader among the grassroots.

 These youth are marching in solidarity with Robert Mugabe policies on black empowerment and land distribution policies. The march is to emphasise the effect of the sanctions on employment creation and on the lives of the ordinary people of Zimbabwe. It is a march of defiance against the West and a show of power resilience.

The million man march is more  of a dramatic way to tell our story. History says one thing , the media another and reality says it all.The social media has gone wild with  people having a say for or against the march.The noise on all media channels has not detracted the youth league.

The real truth about our story gets ignored!  We are told there are no sanctions on Zimbabwe!There are so much distortion and misinformation about our story on land reform and indigenisation . Land reform and black empowerment brought us the sanctions in the year 2000. The march serves as a landmark for the patriotic people of Zimbabwe.

The main reason for the fear of the million man march is  that the powers that be, (namely white people and the countries that have put sanctions against Zimbabwe)want us to believe that we  passively suffer under our present condition .They  think we have to blame Robert Mugabe for our demise and that maybe we will not do anything about our plight. This march is  our way of sending a message not only of defiance but as a sign of resistance against the illegal sanctions.

The million man march has had the effect of forcing the pro-white opposition conjuring up #ThisFlag campaign on social media!! #ThisFlag campaign has received credible support from Rhodesians and ordinary people in the diaspora.

My hope is that those in the diaspora support the million man march by visiting Zimbabwe and march in solidarity with all Zimbabweans who have suffered under the regime of sanctions sponsored by the Western countries.

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