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Of Consensus, Democracy and Confusion

  Where is the democracy in the CCC outfit?? The election is a democratic process of choosing a person to get into public office. The proces...

Saturday 7 October 2017

Bond Notes and The Panic Buyer Rates Explained

The bond notes celebrate a year in circulation. It has baffled the finance markets by not only competing with the USA dollar but proving its opponents wrong.The bond notes have a different effect on different markets. These markets and effects are often confused. This confusion l hope to clear below, l have split the markets into four.
I have also provided the rates for each market and the causes for the different rates.


I would like to define the black market and draw a clear line between it and the informal market. The former is illegal and the latter is legal.
The black market is where there are different rates on transactions. The nature of black market calls for different rates depending on the illegality of the transaction and the desperation and vulnerability of the parties to a particular transaction.
The rate can vary from 6% to 100%.


The informal market before the introduction of the bond notes was operating on a strict cash basis.The USA dollar was the medium for all transactions.
The informal market transactions are still on a strict cash basis, that is why we do not see swipe machines at Mbare or Sakubva market.
Here the dollar and the bond notes will trade at par. It is still one as to one.

The formal market is the least likely place for the bond note or any other currencies manipulation. It is the perfect market, as the economist likes to say.
The rates on all fronts are the same and only a business which acts unethically will be able to manipulate the rate.
In the formal market, a business that acts unethically is bound to be punished by the people through market forces and it is also bound to break some laws and will face appropriate legal sanctions.


This market from my on observation is the most difficult to be able to distinguish it from the three markets above. The difficulty arises because the bond note is both an internal and external holder of value.
This problem is further made more complex by the fungibility of the bond notes going beyond our borders. The bond notes are an acceptable currency for business transactions in our neighbour states.
It is the most difficult market as all three of the above makes up this market. This makes the foreign exchange rate for the bond note to fluctuate between 6% and 30%. This rate depends on the availability or to be more accurate,  the supply of the bond notes on the market.
I am a proponent of the bond notes and from my observations, the bond notes have had a positive impact on our financial system. I believe the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe has worked around the financial sanctions against Zimbabwe.
It is the enemies of Zimbabwe who were calling bond notes a failure before their introduction. These people like the fake born - again brothel runner, the fake pastor for hire and the professional paid political agitators cannot discount the positive effect the bond notes have had on our economy.

Monday 11 September 2017

The Diasporan In the Rhodesian Shadows

This is post is going to ruffle one or two diasporans hair and I am just in my I-do-not-care mood. You know what I mean!!

The diasporan I am after is that black person who left the country as political refugees-not economic refugees. These are people who were given special dispensation to stay in the UK, USA or South Africa. These are people who faked their way to get visas or even permanent residence in those foreign countries.

I go ballistic when these people get into the front when it comes to tarnishing the image of their country. They are the most vocal against the land issue and indigenisation of the economy. They mimic their masters and hosts fears. These people speak and talk like their own masters. The slaves had a nice term for them. Kitchen niggers!!! I still call them that.

 When they left Zimbabwe leaving their motherland to take up what they thought as an opportunity in the diaspora. They made a lot of the mistakes of their lives and the older they get the more bitter they become. They are frustrated that fellow blacks now own farms which used to belong to their white masters. They do not believe that a black man can run a company or govern a country.

It is as if every black person in the diaspora believes and think that Robert Mugabe messed up their lives. They have the same attitude as their Rhodesian masters. They feel for their masters on the land issue and are the first to tell you how a black person can not govern a country. They speak of dispossession of land which they never possessed. They are the authorities of white property rights in Africa, but they do not even own a house in Europe or the USA.

These diasporans believe that we as a nation have messed up. Today I just want to force these diasporan to reflect on where they have messed up. What have you messed up? Why do you think your own brother cannot run a country?

Here is why you think like you are white Rhodesian in exile;

  1.  You have lost touch with your kith and kin. You can not create a working relationship with people in Zimbabwe.
  2. You have not read enough of Zimbabwe's laws, policies and regulations but you read their biased and opinionated reviews on white supremacist's media channels.
  3. You believe that Zimbabwe"s government does not have any developmental programs or strategies like Zimasset.
  4. You have no respect for news emanating from Zimbabwe public broadcasting services and public media but read news from the white supremacist's sponsored news sources.
  5. You have not taken time to understand Zimbabwe's political system but rely on the opinionated white supremacist's media outlets.
  6. You believe there are no sanctions on Zimbabwe but against the person of Robert Mugabe.

 Well, my brother and sister, I am not saying you should have stayed at home to hustle for a piece of land, farm or mine and to be part of the revolution. You are still part of us. We have a country to built and the Rhodesians still have a country to destroy. That country is Zimbabwe.

Wednesday 23 August 2017

The Ides of March

The lady who was fired from a party yet to be born did something in March. She pointed her middle finger to her worker bees in ZPF and to Morgan Tsvangirai of MDC-T. She then proceeded to form her own party.
As l had earlier indicated in my previous post she had to shake her war veteran image and her past to links to ZANU Pf if she has to attract the money from Western regime change sponsors.
In March Joice Mujuru weaknesses were exposed. The BBC had her in a tight knot as she failed to articulate her position on the land issue, Gukurahundi and why she formed her own party.
The self-declared 'elections' reforms watchdog NERA called for a demonstration and they did half fill Robert Mugabe Square. The demo was called after Rita Makarawu of the Zimbabwe Election Commission had walked out of a meeting organized and called for by the disorganized NERA.
The demo organizers said Robert Mugabe Square ( Haru Mutasa of Al Jezera sheepishly called it Freedom Square ) was half full which means, in reality, it was half empty.It was a non-event as the people of Zimbabwe went on with their lives.
Didymus Mutasa of ZPF, Morgan Tsvangirayi,  Evan Mawarire and other suspicious characters were at the  NERA demonstrations. Some were booed from the stage.Some were cheered off the stages. Some were lifted onto the stage. Others never reached the stage.
This sums up how our so called opposition is disoriented and disorganised. 
On the same day of  NERA demonstration, members of the ruling party's Women League carried out a demonstration calling for the ousting of Comrades Sandi-Moyo and Sarah Mahoka to resign their posts.Whoever organized the demo must have a hidden agenda. The political commissar Saviour a.k.a Tyson Kasukuwire professed total ignorance of the demonstration.
The political commissar has been accused by both the war veterans and youths, as out of touch with the grassroots of the party.
He might be the saviour of the party or as destructive as  Mike Tyson.
This month Professor had a tiff with the state media. Jonathan was accused of misleading the public. He had said what he saw in Tsholotsho but the state media wanted him to say what was politically correct. He misfired again about the cost of the Command Agriculture program, and the state media was quick to point fingers at him. I feel there is no love lost between the state media and Professor Jonathan Moyo.
For the record, though the Professor's twitter handle has more followers than the state media publications. I think that the guys at the Herald and Sunday Mail are just out fo some mischief.
The bond notes reached 100 days and the usual suspects, the international banks and the illegal dealers are at it again. A three tier system of our monetary system has been created and the Reserve Bank has remained a toothless bulldog as no punitive action has been taken against the culprits.
I demand the governor of the Reserve Bank to proactive and come up with an effective piece of law to stop the bond notes abuse and manipulation by banks and illegal foreign currency dealers.
The Green Machine and Philip Chiyangwa were in on fire in March in our Football circles.
Hayatou was pushed out of office by the solo effort of Bra Fidza. Bra Fidza always do his thing with style and great noise. Yes, Bra Fidza was there.
T.P Mazembe were the victims of the ides of March. They lost to CAPS United of Zimbabwe.The current  CAPS United squad has by this act made history.  It was a great month for Zimbabwean football!!
It was a month of positive and negative ides .

Zimasset Successes Unpacked

The Command Factor

You have heard of the success of the command agriculture. The program has managed to stimulate the growth of the agriculture sector in terms of production and employment levels.The program has also managed to stimulate the rural areas economies.
There are those among us who have been critics of the command agriculture program. It has become a victim of its own success, as people are at pain to dismiss it as a non-event, but its result is there for us all to see.

The Two Million Jobs Myth or Fact

The command agriculture has been a game changer in terms of employment levels on the farms and in downstream industries such as milling, processing and transportation of the produce. The facts on the ground indicate that more than two million people were employed in one way or the other during the program.

 I know we have heard a lot of air on the jobs created!! By using the simple method that is used in USA employment data, we might have created those jobs. The USA classify jobs as farm and non-farm jobs.

Import Substitution And Job Creation

One of the objectives of Zimasset is import substitution and saving the vital foreign currency, the government has come up with Statutory Instrument 64 of 2016. The purpose of this instrument is to protect local industries and create jobs.

The Value-addition and the Food and Nutrition Clusters have seen the most noticeable deliverables of  ZIMASSET. In Mutare, for example,  a cooking oil manufacturer Willowton has set up shop and Cairns Food has increased both production and employment.

 The two entities are going to contract farmers to produce crops for their production intake. This will create more jobs downstream.


The people of Zimbabwe are seeing the result of Zimasset and will continue to support and benefit from it.

Thursday 3 August 2017

My Budget Proposals For 2018

 I propose that motor vehicles duty on second-hand cars should be lowered as the duty only serves to burden the poor as it makes transport expensive. We do not have the comparative advantage in the manufacturing of motor vehicles and the so-called motor vehicle manufacturing companies are importing kits which they assembly.

These companies in light of advancing technology and automation are never going to employ as much as they were employing in the seventies and eighties.
In short, we do not have the motor industry to protect, and the notion that second-hand cars are a nuisance is an elitist one. The benefit of having more second-hand motor vehicles on our roads beat that of not importing as I shall highlight on my second proposal.

I propose that spot fines charged for traffic offenses be reduced to between $1.00 and $5.00. All other fines should be paid directly to the Consolidated Revenue Fund by direct deposit or by bank transfers.

I propose that a fuel tax is charged per every liter of diesel and petrol. This will work as opposed to the one-time import duty on the second-hand vehicle. Every vehicle that is moving on our roads will be contributing to the fiscus; in short, it means every vehicle registered or not, will become a revenue source that will contribute to the fiscus  on a daily basis. The more the merrier as the Englishman will say.

This tax is hard to invade and easy to collect and Zimra should have their supermarket machines at every service station and collect hard cash every morning.

I propose that the excise duty is the same on imported beer and local beers as these are all manufactured by a cartel. Canned and bottled beer is being dumped in Zimbabwe and the importers should fund the fiscus. I propose 50% excise duty on a liter of beer, wine, and spirits.

Gonomics (the economics according to Gideon Gono) used to call these sin taxes let the sinners pay. The official smugglers (Multinational Corporations) and the unofficial smugglers pay the tax for their sins. Amen!!!

I propose that all exports be pre-inspected and valued before being shipped. I also propose that all companies that export and do not want their shipments inspected pay a refundable deposit of say $10 000 per consignment for exemption.

My proposal is in view of the rampant under-invoicing by multinational companies and former foreign-owned companies especially those in Manicaland 

I propose that a fund for whistleblowers be set up at the Anti Corruption Commission which will reward people who make genuine
reports on corruption be rewarded. This will go a long way in reducing corrupt activities in our economy.

More Proposals to Follow

Monday 31 July 2017

Coalition of Confusion

We have heard a lot about the coalition of the Zimbabwean opposition parties. It seems it's all about talking and more talking. The opposition as a whole is in disarray. It is a coalition of confusion.

Deadline for Coalition

Morgan Tsvangirayi had set up a deadline for a coalition. The deadline was the 31st of July. It has come to pass. The self-declared head of coalition had the cheeky ( no pun intended ) to threaten the other parties that if they fail to meet the deadline, he would go it alone. A coalition of one party l believe!!
The other parties, which are not real parties but for individual hiding behind names, just put up their middle fingers at Morgan Tsvangirayi and his deadline.
Our question to Morgan Tsvangirayi the self-declared leader of the yet to be formed a coalition is: What next?

The Price for Coalition

The little parties led by individuals, including the likes of Hosea Chipanga,  Egypt Dzinemunhenzva and of late Nkosana Moyo are aware of the price they have to pay just to associate with MDC-T and Morgan Tsvangirayi. It will cost them their clean names just to sit down on the same table.
MDC-T has had a history of being a project of the former Rhodesian white supremacists settlers. It has been seen as the sponsor of economic sanctions against Zimbabwe. It is also viewed as an opponent of the land reform program. Not one sane person would associate with the MDC-T and still have his or her hands clean.
The price is too high to pay for most parties.

I have an interesting observation on the coalition. Why can't MDC-T go it alone and contest the elections? Why is it that the MDC-T wants the coalition so desperately?
The MDC-T has lost support over the years due to dictatorial tendencies of its leadership. The likes of Ncube, Biti and Mangoma have jumped ship and formed their own parties. This has drained, confused and split the party's constituency.

It is my belief that we will have a coalition of some sort after the elections.
The coalition will according to the facts on the ground, be to make up one-third of the parliamentary seats. ZANU Pf is assured of two-thirds or more of the parliamentary seats.

The July lessons for all Zimbabweans

Lesson 1 The Office and The person

One lesson all Zimbabweans learned in July was that you have the person in the office and the office. It is acceptable to insult the President of Zimbabwe as a person but it is unacceptable to insult the Office of the President and Cabinet.
The politician in Robert Mugabe can be bar talk or food and fuel for a political rally. It is his office that we need to respect as Zimbabweans. This rule applies to all civil servants and their offices. We can insult and fire our politicians at rallies but We cannot do the same to our civil servants.
This l believe every village fool (including those fools with doctorates) have learned.

Lesson 2 The Laws of Gravity

I had to remind myself of my primary school teacher, sometime long ago and in some forgotten school in Bocha. He could throw a stone into the sky and ask the class if the where the stone had gone. We, in our childhood ignorance we came out with some very wild answers. The teacher repeated that exercise for three days and that is how we learned about the Law of Gravity.
The guys at The Sunday Mail and the Herald should look for my Grade 5 teacher and have a crash course on the Laws of Gravity. I think that they have seen gravity at work though, especially on the Saviour Kasukuwere and Professor Jonathan Moyo stories they have been feeding the public with.

Lesson 3 Politics is not a beauty contest

I am not going to be very hard on Advocate Fadzayi Mahere. She got a beautiful yellow manifesto and she cut a beautiful figure. Has she ever contested in a beauty contest?
I will like to congratulate her for offering herself as an independent candidate for  Mt. Pleasant.
I am still in the beauty contest. Who is the fairest of our  Cabinet ministers?
Is command agriculture ugly or beautiful? Was command agriculture ever discussed in Cabinet?  Were all Cabinet minister present?  Is command agriculture a beauty contest?
As a layman and a citizen, I leave those questions to the politicians and the guys at The Herald and The Sunday Mail.
I have learned some really good lessons on Zimbabwean politics!!!

Friday 14 July 2017

Zimbabwe's Bond Notes And Archaic Banking Systems

Success or Failure
My recent experiences with my bank have shown me that our banking system needs a complete overhaul. I have seen queues growing and being told that there is no cash available. I have had my money transferred and getting lost in our banking systems. 

The fin-tech overhauls are necessary if we have to make our banking systems work. The cash shortages and bank queues are symptoms of archaic traditional systems and technology which is still being used by most of the banks. 
I suggest we get rid of the RTGS , the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe force bank to adapt to new technologies and give the Bond notes the respect they deserve. I will discuss how and why below.


Our economy and the world is going digital at a fast pace than the banks can match. Our banks still talk of  RTGS as if it is real time. It is not!! Real Time must be real time, not four weeks or four days it must be real time. It must be immediate.

The general banking public and I in particular needs improved customer service and products. I want my bank to have effective and efficient data. I need to bank with a bank that meets all regulatory requirements.  All my banks have archaic legacy core software systems, implemented decades ago, are letting me down. The Reserve bank must put in place regulations that force banks to replace old systems and adopt new financial technologies.
Cash or plastic money
It's a fact that adopting new technologies is costly in terms of retraining and retooling. Government via the Reserve Bank must offer incentives and tax rebates on training and waiver customs and exercise duty. These costs are deterring most banks from even trying to overhaul their systems. 

We have blamed banks and the Reserve of Zimbabwe for the queues and cash shortages.However, this is a mistake, the banking public has to familiarize themselves with the new technologies use this knowledge to reduce the queues and avert cash shortages in our economy.
I believe the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe and banks are doing very little to familiarize the banking public on new technologies and persuading them to use the new technologies such as mobile banking.
The bond notes are now being used as a currency. They can cross the borders of Zimbabwe and can be moved from bank to mobile wallets. The fungibility of the bond notes is the cause of its shortage in our banking system.
Bond notes are crossing our borders 

The bond notes fungibility is higher that of neighboring countries notes. This is a positive development but our banks, including the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe, still treat the bond note as a surrogate currency. It is time for the research on the movement, value, and quantity of the physical bond notes. The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe can use this information to carry out market operations by printing the deficit in the physical bond notes in order to wipe out the bank queues and cash shortages. 

The reduction of bank queues and cash shortages is the responsibility of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe and the banks.The banking public expects action and results from them.

Sunday 9 July 2017

History and His Story

Tell me your story 
Tell me your future
 History is yesterday's story, 
 Today is yesterday's dream 
This future we built it yesterday,
 We shall live it to day,
 And make it our story

This day Is made up of yesterday,
 And today.
 We can not have today 
Without yesterday.

Friday 30 June 2017

Fake Democrats and Real Dictators

I got a question about this whole dictatorship and democracy on the tongue of every Zimbabwean. You see there is no democracy in the name ZANU Pf. It is a party that fought against the white settler regime. It is a party that brought the vote to the black majority. There is no D for Democracy in the acronym ZANU Pf and we have now been conditioned to believe that it is a party headed by an elected dictator

Now if you read in the gutter press we have a banquet of parties with "Democracy" in their name. The MDCs, PDP and a host of other parties. These are parties that you and I have been told are the democratic parties because their names say so! These parties even though they are led by dictators who have even been cheeky enough to give the parties their surnames. You have heard of the MDC- Tsvangirai, MDC-Ncube and other parties which are permanently in the opposition and reform mode.


Tsvangirai and Ncube have been on the helms of their parties for 20 and 15 years respectively without the mandate of their members. Does the D still stands for Democracy in the two MDCs or it now stands for Dictatorship? It is these foreign sponsored projects that thrive on dictatorship tendencies and pervert the name democracy. The leaders of these parties are fake Democrats and are the true dictators.


It has come to pass the MDCs with all their surnames and colours have formed a coalition. Robert Mugabe has rightfully pointed out that "it is a coalition of zeros'. As we have said no one would like to associate with the MDC except the MDC itself. Biti, Ncube and Tsvangirai are back where they started and the white supremacist's regime change agenda is on the card. We expect the three to visit Chatham House soon to seek funds and hopefully get some funds from the USA via The Heritage Foundation.


 Mugabe has in the meantime been elected at a national Congress by members of his party every five years since 1980. Elections are an element of the democratic process, but because there is no D in ZANU Pf  Robert Mugabe will always be labeled a dictator by the white supremacists' propaganda machine.

My question to all Zimbabweans is WHAT IS IN A NAME?

Sunday 7 May 2017

The Chidyausiku Story of Content and Relevance

Alternative Narrative
Who was Justice Godfrey Guwa Chidyausiku?  He was the person responsible for dismantling the white supremacist's laws on land and made the Rhodesian settlers title deeds have the same value with rolls of toilet tissue.Under his commendable watch, the Land Acquisition Act was perfected to match any piece of legislation anywhere in the world.

From Land Grab to Land Reform
I stand to be corrected as yet we have black people speaking about the so-called land grab. It is Justice Chidyausiku who made our legislation on land sync with the objectives of both the first and second Chimurenga. He changed  Tsvangirayi words from  "land grab"  to "land reform". The vocabularies of the opposition parties and independent media were changed too.

It will be interesting to read what was said about the land reform at MDC rallies in 2000 and what they are saying todTsvangirayi and the white supremacist's media had to change their vocabulary on the land reform. That was how profound the impact of Chief Justice Chidyausiku on our politics.

Alternative Story of a Hero
In my discussion and interaction on social media networks, the internet, and print newspapers networks, I came across a lot of people who did not even know about Justice Chidyausiku. I found myself communicating with a lost generation. People who thought that Justice Chidyausiku was a road engineer amongst all of the things, despite the title before his name.

These are the same people who call ZBC  'dead BC'. A generation that thrives on newsfeed from SABC, CNN, SKY, Al Jezera, STUDIO 7 and France 24.  Most of these people l argued with have never set foot outside the borders of Zimbabwe. These guys have never been in Pretoria, Washington, London, Dubai or Paris but they identified themselves and have absorbed the content of these newsfeeds.

I had to remind them that Zimbabwe has an alternative and relevant informative newsfeeds that have local content.The alternative and relevant source of local content is none other than the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation, that is the so-called "DeadBC".

The Story of the Settlers
Our arguments on the hero status of the former Chief Justice Godfrey Guwa Chidyausiku raged on.We had opinion pieces in the last outposts of the white supremacists, which the ignorant call the independent media, churning out negative propaganda on our hero.

First, they called him a Rhodesian puppet, secondly they called him the architecture of the Hondo yeminda and a land grabber and finally they accused him of being one of Mugabe's cronies and relative. The independent media was confused and the social media was filled empty and inaccurate content on this man.

It was a deliberate monumental distortion of the story of a hero and the history of Zimbabwe. The people of Zimbabwe know that Justice Chidyausiku was never going to be a hero of the Rhodesian settlers and their sympathizers.This man had intelligently unpacked and repackaged the law to facilitate the land reform program.

He had done what Professor Jonathan Moyo did with the Media and Information laws. He brought relevancy and life to dead pieces of legislations. He aligned the land laws with the aspirations of the black people of Zimbabwe.

A Hero Amongst Heroes
Chief Justice Godfrey Guwa Chidyausiku will be remembered by us all. His name is engraved in history,  from the halls of Lancaster House, in every court, on every resettled piece of land and the minds of the opposition parties and vanquished settlers in Australia, New Zealand, the Europe, and AAmerica.That is our Hero and that is our story about him.

Go well Son of the Soil.

Wednesday 19 April 2017

The Rhetorics of Zimbabwean Elections

It was once again a time for us all Zimbabweans to witness a free and fair by-election.  This time it was happening in a rural setup. A place where the Rhodesians white army were notorious for their inhumane and unjustified atrocities during the Chimurenga liberation struggle. This is where memories of anything to do with white Rhodesian settlers supremacist agenda is repulsed and condemned. It is where the MDCs with all surnames and all will not win against  ZANU Pf.

  This by-election was happening when the Zimbabwe People First was having a second go at a by-election after the Bikita West failure. The party had lost Joice Mujuru after her Chatham House visit and the subsequent courting of the whites sponsored MDC at Harvest House. The likes of wayward Didymus Mutasa and Rugare Gumbo refused to be bought into the white Rhodesian supremacists' agenda. Mujuru wants with the help of the Rhodesians to retake the land from the blacks and give it to the whites. She told the whole world on BBC Hardtalk.

It was happening where the numerous splinters of the MDC, (remember these parties with surnames and tribes, ) are backtracking on their perennial elections boycott threat. The MDC-T and other forms of MDC are on a permanent election reform agenda, they practically do not have time to campaign for an election. The time and resources wasted on NERA demonstrations, for example, could have been used to campaign for the Mwenezi East by-election.

This by-election was happening when the white supremacists' media is in overdrive. The media is overplaying the ZANU Pf factions drama in the press. It is also directing all its effort on Robert Mugabe's age, the office chair which became a wheelchair and hairstyle too!! This we believe is an attempt to undermine his leadership qualities and statesmanship. It will not work as proven by the nearly 18700 people in Mwenezi East.

The white supremacists' media has also been churning their traditional election rhetoric on social media and other platforms. Here are some in short.

The Voters Intimidation Rhetoric
Voters are said to be forced to go and vote by ZANU Pf. This is one very tired rhetoric which we can trace to the first elections of 1980. ZANU Pf was accused of bussing thousands of voters from within and outside the borders of Zimbabwe.  It was a lie then and it is a lie today.

The Banned Rally Rhetoric
One Bhasikiti of the Zimbabwe People First complained that his rallies had been banned. The same Bhasikiti had also said he was carrying out the door to door campaign. The press which had no proof of any ban went on to say Bhasikiti had been banned and barred from Mwenezi East. How do you carry out a door to door campaign if you have been barred and banned?
For the record rallies cannot be banned, you can be denied to hold a rally at a certain time or place due to inadequate security and availability of police to maintain law and order.It is that simple,  so my piece of advice is, book your rally in time.

The Dead Voters Rhetoric
The press and the white sponsored civic organisation had the  Biometric Voters Roll issue on the table. They wanted UNDP to fund, source and deliver the Biometric Voters Roll equipment on behalf on the Government of Zimbabwe. The Mwenezi by-election once again proves that we can hold elections without the Biometric Voters Roll.

The Stupid And Uneducated Rural Voters Rhetoric
Once again the rural folk of Mwenezi East were insulted by the opposition parties and white sponsored civic society. It was as if it was the first time the people of Mwenezi had seen an election.
The constituency was flooded by the pseudo civic societies that had come to teach the "illiterate " people on not only how to vote but who to vote for. Even National Electoral Reform Agenda was in Mwenezi East putting to rest the argument that its agenda is to push for electoral reforms. It was exposed as an extension of the opposition campaign team. Its role in the Mwenezi East was to scuttle and unsettle the ruling party's hold in the constituency.

The Traditional Leadership Partisan Rhetoric
The press once again raising the issue of traditional leaders as political and partisan. The so-called independent media and white sponsored civic organisations have failed to understand, respect and understand the importance and role of the traditional leaders. Traditional leaders are the spiritual owners of the land and rural space.
These traditional leaders offer guidance and leadership to their respective community. The traditional leaders have a role to play spiritual, economic, social and political. It is their sacred duty to the community.
This critical role of traditional leaders has been relegated to the backseat firstly by the former Rhodesian settlers and now by their sponsored opposition parties,  their press and civic organisations.
It will go a long way if these white supremacists sponsored media, opposition parties and civic organisations give the traditional leaders the respect that they deserve. It might be the key to gain respect and voters in the rural areas.

The Zanupf Factions Rhetoric
The Zanupf victories in Bikita West and Mwenezi East by-elections has exposed that the factional wars within the party have not affected the grassroots supporters. I will say safely that the faction may be in the heads of the opposition parties leaders.The factions are played out in the press and on social media,  they are not real.

The Rhetorics And The 2018 Elections

Zimbabweans should now be aware of the sources of the rhetorics and must focus now on the 2018 elections. The elections are a landmark in the history of our nationhood, they are as crucial and critical as the 1980 elections. The enemy is still the Rhodesians. They have metaphorical disguised itself into the MDC in its various forms and with its Shona and Ndebele surnames. It is imperative that every Zimbabwean vote against the white supremacists' regime change agents and instead vote for the progressive and revolutionary party.

Friday 24 March 2017

The White Supremacists' Fairy Stories Of Zimbabwe

I have had to write yet another post to defend the present and point out where white supremacists' media propaganda have brazenly twisted the past so that the gullible blacks among us are now able to glorify our oppressors and the years before independence. The white supremacists' propaganda and media have now turned the white settler farmers as heroes of that era. They have made us forget the exploitative and racial degradation that we suffered between 1890 and 1980.The stories are being constantly and persistently repeated that we now have a generation that believes them.


The white supremacists have always said Mugabe unlawfully took land from the  white settlers.The land was not grabbed by Robert Mugabe contrary to what we read in the white supremacists' media. It was legally acquired and appropriated under an Act of Parliament. The Land Acquisition Act of 1990( as amended) was the piece of legislation used to resettle over 300 000 households on farms which were owned by 3000 whites.

The land grab story has been distorted to the point that Robert Mugabe gave the land to his relatives and cronies.Now, if you are a person with 300 000 cronies surely you deserve to rule a country. Robert Mugabe must really have a large extended family, according to the media, even by our African standards.


This is one mean story.Rhodesia was the bread basket of Africa, the displaced Rhodesian settlers are fond of repeating this false story. It was never a bread basket of Africa or even southern part of Africa. Rhodesia was the bread basket of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland. It could feed the population of Rhodesia, Zambia, and Malawi in the 1950s. The total population of the three countries was less than the population of modern day Zimbabwe.

So every time you read this bread basket story dismiss it with the contempt that it deserves.


Here is the Gukurahundi story. on one side we had a Super Zapu armed and financed by apartheid South Africa. The purpose of Super Zapu was to destabilise Zimbabwe.It was not a Ndebele or Shona conflict as the white supremacists' media propaganda always repeat. It was a security issue and the government of Zimbabwe dispatched the famous 5th Brigade to deal with Super Zapu dissidents. It is true that civilians died in the conflict.

The Catholic Peace and Justice Commission carried out an enquiry and found out that the conflict had resulted in the death of under 4000 people, that includes both Ndebeles and Shonas.The white supremacists have now spinned the deaths to 40 000.

The white supremacists' media has politicized this story into a Ndebele-Shona.It is a fact that the 5th Brigade comprised of both Ndebele and Shona combatants.


The issue that has interested me and which is an obvious regime change tactic is the myth that Rhodesia was better.I borrow these words from a Facebook friend, Chenhamo Mutengure.
The arguments placed are that because Rhodesia had a strong currency and economic activity then this is evidence that indeed we were better off under the racist Ian Smith government.

But is this true?Was Rhodesia a great country for all or it was great so long as you were white?

First does a strong currency really translate to better living conditions for black peoples?Or maybe we are just looking at statistics that had absolutely no bearing on the standard of living for the black man.

Now let us look at the facts of Rhodesia.In Rhodesia, 80% of the population lived in the Tribal Trust Lands.This means that only 20% of people about 9% of whom were either white or Indian constituted the urban population.
So another myth that is thrown around looks we were better as our streets were clean, had good services etc yet the reality is Ian Smith artificially kept down urban populations so as to protect white privileges like running water, electricity and avoiding overcrowding of his streets for the benefit of the white man.
Also under Rhodesia, 60% of black people were illiterate and add to that only 3% of our people had secondary education.
Now, what happened to this 60% who couldn't read or write?Or the 97% that didn't have a secondary school education?
This means this was a segment that had no chance in life whether at home or abroad.

In 1980 we notice that Infant Mortality was at a staggering 120 in every 1000 children born, that is 12% of black babies dead.Contrast that to the present 25 in every 1000. There were fewer clinics in 1980 than today. Today it is government policy that you do not need to walk six kilometres to a clinic. 
Now how can a sane person say Rhodesia was better? Why is not the same media quiet on sanctions as well as their effect on our health system?


This is the story that the white supremacists' media has repeated on Mugabe since 1980. Mugabe was an old man in 1980.Everyone knew that when we elected him into office in 1980.The white supremacists' view is based on racism on one hand and ageism on the other. It is raw discrimination.
This is a story based on discrimination. Mugabe is old, so what? Why should his age matter? Is he going to be recruited in the police or army? For the record, the longest ruling Head of State is Queen Elizabeth of Britain. Not one white person has ever told her to resign.
The whites hate the old man and we love him.

Saturday 11 March 2017

Lobels, Lays Chips and Robert Mugabe

This has been fun...

I’ve been blown away by the enthusiastic response to the presence of  Lobel's  the bread makers at the President of Zimbabwe birthday over the past few days. 

The white supremacist's regime change agents have gone wild on social media calling the public to boycott the bakers. The leaders of war cry are based in the diaspora.

These foreign agitators are calling for locals who have always bought the bread to boycott  Lobels.  It is the same people who at the behest of the white supremacists' call recommended Zimbabwean companies to be blacklisted under the Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act by the USA. 

It not by accident that these black people are urging the black people of Zimbabwe to boycott a black owned company. You wonder why these same black people have not recommended the boycott of white-owned companies like Ford, Landrover, Mercedes-Benz or the producer of Lays potato chips ,Hullet, Tanganda, and Nestle. These companies products were available for all to see at the birthday bash. These white-owned companies were are untouchable and above reproach -just because the owners has superior color skin to us Africans.

These agitators have also got the picture of the President eating a packet of Lays potato chips. They have questioned why the president is eating a foreign made product. I  have responded by asking them why they are asking those questions from a foreign country. If the President of Zimbabwe eats or get treated in a foreign country that does not make him a lesser human being.

Should we boycott an indigenous Zimbabwean company because it has been seen at an elected President's birthday party? No. We the people of Zimbabwe have better things to do.
We shall boycott the white supremacists as always in the ballot box by not voting for black people with white supremacists agendas. This will be the ultimate boycott.

Saturday 4 March 2017

The Queen Bee And the lost Cause

Just in case you missed the events of the month. Joice Mujuru of the Zimbabwe People First was fired from ZPF while across town she was busy announcing the expulsion of her former comrades in arm, Mutasa, Gumbo, and Mutezo.

This was the most baffling event of the year. Do we have two ZPF? Just a quick heads-up; A party closing down or splitting in less than a year from formation? No, this party is splitting before its formation since Joice Mujuru and crew are all interim committee members of ZPF. Who has the authority to fire anyone from a party that has not been formed?

Chatham House Visit
When Joice Mujuru visited the outpost of white supremacists,  Chatham House in London and promised to reverse  Robert Mugabe's land reforms, she did not only ruffle the ordinary people of Zimbabwe feathers but her own comrades in arms too. It is a fact that ZPF is riding on the war veterans disaffection with ZANU Pf upstarts, Joice Mujuru Chatham visit and promise to the white supremacists was the catalyst of the abortive formation of ZPF.

From Chatham House to Harvest House
I've kept my eye on Joice ever since her Chatham House visit. I knew her next stop will be Harvest House.
To those who do not know Harvest House, it is was until recent the outpost of the Rhodesians white supremacists, in the form of the white Commercial Farmers Union. The CFU is the founding sponsors of the  MDC.
In the same building was a law firm which Tendai Biti used to work for Gill, Goldington, nd Gerrans.  This firm had the sole mandate to flood the administrative courts with white settlers land claims between 1990 and 2000.
This law firm was responsible for sponsoring Biti's trip to the USA to prep for the sanctions against Zimbabwe in the Senate.

Harvest House quickly comes to mind if you need white supremacists funds. Joice had no option,  the instruction from Chatham House was to go to Harvest House.Harvest House has a sentimental feel for the Rhodies. It is their last outpost in Zimbabwe and that where their hope for a reverse of the land reform program. It is where they will put their money.

Joice Mujuru or the queen bee has now arrived at Harvest  House.  She has the golden purse but without hardline nationalists and the war veterans support.  She is now heading a moderate and clean party which suit and compliment the white supremacists' regime change agenda of the MDC.

Queen Bee and the Teaboy 
Joice Mujuru had gained the queen bee status at ZPF. The party had been busy polishing up her image as an academic, nationalist and a war veteran. The worker bees at ZPF even recalled that Joice Mujuru downed that helicopter and also swore that the paper her doctorate was genuine and the president of Zimbabwe had capped her.

I hope the guys at Harvest House will give her the queen bee status. It will be tough with Morgan Tsvangirayi and his MDC, a coalition or merger will be a blow to the former blue eye boy of the white supremacists. It will be the end of the road for our tea boy from Buhera.He will not be drinking tea in Office of the President and Cabinet in Zimbabwe or having that afternoon tea at Chatham House or White House.

Are going to see Joice at the helm of the opposition or she just signed her political death certificate?  Are the white supremacists gamble on Joice going to pay off? What will be the role of Morgan Tsvangirayi in a coalition or merger of MDC and ZPF?

Much Ado About Nothing
This political circus goes like the Shakespeare's literal piece. The people will have the final laugh and the regime change agenda will fail to clear the hurdle in 2018. The people power will again win and the white supremacists sponsored lose. That is the way it is...
It is a fact that as long the political strings are being pulled from Harvest House, Chatham House and the White House winning any elections is impossible for the opposition.  The people of Zimbabwe are intelligent enough to know where to place their vote on the ballot box.  Let time be the judge 

Monday 6 February 2017

Myths of the Bond Notes

We have had the bond notes in circulation since October 2016. It is important that we look at what the critics and opponents of this piece of monetary policy were saying and how the bond notes have fared so far. The value of bond notes in circulation is now US$80 million. The public has accepted the so-called token currency.
The aim of this post is to debunk the myths and highlight the politicization of the bond notes issue. I hope this helps in boosting confidence into the general public on the bond notes.

The opponents of the bond notes cited a 16th-century economist, Thomas Gresham, who said that bad money chases away good money. The assumption from these bush economists was economic theories are cast in stone and can remain true even after five centuries of social,economic and technological advancements.To say the GreshamLaw applies to gold coins and to try and compare it to bond notes is like stretching the theory too far.

It was assumed that the bond notes were the bad money and the USA dollar was the good money. The bush economists failed to read that bond notes would carry the same value as the USA dollar. The Reserve bank governor had said this over and over again.

The bush economists had the printing of money myth at the center of their argument against the bond notes. This was derived from a classical theory of a lot of money chasing a few goods.
The bond notes, the critics said, will increase the money supply and cause inflation. The Reserve bank governor again said the value of bond notes to be released would be related to foreign currency inflow into the economy. The Reserve bank would not print money but will only release the bond notes as incentives tied to exports and inward remittances from the diaspora.

The opponents of the bond notes policy assumed that the
government will force people to accept a currency. It was said once the government releases the bond notes, the government would introduce foreign currency controls.

When the bond notes were introduced, quality of the bond notes was raised as an issue. It was a deliberate move to discourage the acceptance of the bond notes by the public. Issues were raised on the quality of the bond notes. A fading colour and a damaged bond dollar  coin were circulated on social media and on fake media sites.
The people of Zimbabwe knew that the aim and purpose of the pictures and dismissed the quality aspects of the token currency with equal contempt.

The bond notes and coins have disrupted the perception of the USA dollar as a sole value holder in our economy. It is no longer the de facto currency.
This above point put the token money at the center of our banking system. It means the Reserve Bank role as bank of last resort is back . This also means the government can at times have the power to intervene in the economy via the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe.
This is the power that our detractors is afraid of. The power to intervene in our economy has moved into the hands of Government and is no longer determined by foreigners outside Zimbabwe. 

Monday 23 January 2017

The Sanctions Story

Did you know that my blog has had over 25000 viewers from all over the world? I also have about 2800 connections on Facebook.Are you one of them yet? If not, like me here.
By following my Facebook page and blog you’ll be able to see stories from across Zimbabwe.  Stories about communities banding together to fight evil sanctions threateningour citizens.

I highlight where our citizens' rights are being abused. I have pointed out where pro-white supremacists propaganda is used to disguise these racist sanctions and justify their effect as the Government of Zimbabwe mismanagement.

I have tried to tell the stories of our struggle against USA  and  EU sanctions. How we have at times overcome or override these sanctions. These stories have been told by many amongst the enlightened and conscious of our citizens.

These stories must be told over and over again for the benefit of those who have lost the  Chimurenga narrative. Let us all tell the stories on social media.

 I am begging every Zimbabwean to Google ZIDERA or to go to Wikipedia so that we all speak with one informed voice against the sanctions.l am proud to say those who have read my blog or my Facebook posts have done me a favour by sharing and reposting. I have had positive and negative criticism. These are our stories let us tell the world and let history be the judge on these racist sanctions.

When the world stops and reads these inspirational stories of our struggle against USA and EU sanctions we will inspire and convert more people to see the evil and impact of the sanctions. You can use Facebook to play your part too -- as social media is an effective way to take action and put pressure on our enemies.
Using the social media can really help us win hearts. Social media does not have borders or boundaries. 

It allows us to interact with the ordinary citizens of the EU and USA. It is an effective way of busting the sanctions! The purpose of the sanctions is primarily to gag us from speaking on the land issue and social media is the only tool we have at our disposal.

Reading my posts on Facebook and my blog means you can look forward to daily updates and posts on issues that matter to you.It’s a great way to keep in touch.
Bond Notes Are Not Zimdollars

Here are three things you might have missed recently by not following us on1. Bond Notes.2.Robert Mugabe's story.3. ZIDERA sanctions unpacked.
With thousands of people liking, commenting on and sharing these stories, Facebook is still the number one way we can reach more people. By simply sharing one of our posts, people who may never otherwise hear about sanctions will get involved too, and in that way, we build a stronger and bigger movement against ZIDERA and the EU sanctions. 

Your friends will take notice of what you share -- if you care, chances are they will too!
Sanctions are about land

Will you join the community on Facebook and help spread the word to your friends?

All Zimbabweans must work together to challenge these sanctions by the West. Iwe neni tine basa!! It is our country and it is our duty.