There is a wind sweeping our politically landscape. It is the rise of independent candidates who feel they can compete with established parties candidates . We will not only have a record number of political parties but we will have record number of independent candidates too.
The MDC alliance unclear method of electing candidates by consensus has not helped the situation. We have seen the likes of Majome of Harare West constituency elect to stand as an independent. It was not by choice but the policy of consensus on primaries has not gone down well with members of the MDC alliance. The consensus method, which has been a covert way of imposing candidates on the people, has resulted in disruption of the MDC alliance primaries.
The MDC alliance supporters has violently rejected the imposition of candidates by Nelson Chamisa. The likes of relatives of the late Morgan Tsvangirai imposed in certain constituencies by Chamisa has been rejected by the people. It is this move which will generate more independent candidates from the MDC alliance.
The independent candidates syndrome is not only restricted to the opposition , it will affect the ruling ZANUPF party too. ZANUPF recently held primaries had some disgruntled losing members threatening to stand as independents. It takes a brave person to stand as an independent. It is this bravado that is baffling. The independent candidates are not afraid to take on the established parties despite limited resources and lack of grassroots support .
I wish the independent candidates good luck.