Robert Mugabe legacy is his belief in his people. He believed that the Zimbabweans are capable of running their country. He believed Zimbabwean should own their national resources. He believed they are the best people to exploit and benefit from the natural resources of this country.
The economist in Robert Mugabe believed that if Zimbabweans were empowered through education first they will be masters of their economy.
Education And Health
The early years of independence Robert Mugabe's government thrust was to invest in education and health. The results were immediate and were reflected in the drastic falls in child mortality rates and a sharp increase in literacy rates.
The success of these policies is a legacy that will continuously benefit our nation for many generations in our future.We have the basis to develop world-class educational and health facilities.
Land Reform
Robert Mugabe approach on land reform policy was unorthodox to say it mildly. Nowhere in modern history has an indigenous group of people taken land legally from colonial settlers.
It could not be done in South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Scotland, Ireland, Wales or the USA. It was so radical but politically correct, that the United Nations could not sanction Robert Mugabe on the land reform programme.
It was left to the nations that still had settlers on indigenous lands to impose racist sanctions on Robert Mugabe the person and on Zimbabwe as a nation. Land reform is one of Mugabe's lasting legacy.
The belief that Robert Mugabe has in the abilities of the indigenous people of Zimbabwe manifested itself as the indigenisation policy. This was a deliberate move to empower black Zimbabweans and make them the masters of their country resources.
The indigenisation policy is one of Robert Mugabe's legacy, it is up to us as Zimbabwean. Robert has incalculated the enterprise spirit into each and every Zimbabwean.
Peace And Security
Zimbabwe has been under security threat since 1980, especially from the former South African apartheid regime and the disempowered Rhodesian settlers. There was a deliberate move to create strong security institutions to protect our sovereignity and territorial intergrity.
It is these security institutions that have contributed to peace and security in the country.