I want to make this my final blog for 2014! I have had
frustrations and plain old fun on this blog. I am not social media expert but I
have learnt as I blog. I have had some positive feedback, tonnes of criticism
and plenty of awesome moments.
Now almost 900
viewers or should I call them visitors later I have written on all subjects and
topics I liked. I have written about farming, genocide in Zimbabwe committed by
Rhodesian forces, praised Robert Mugabe land reform, Zimasset, sold my business network services and even locked
horns with two very big companies on
their pricing policies and customer care.
I have heard visitors on my blog from around the world and I
have wondered why people have interest in my blog. I have seen some country
flags on my feedjit counter that I have never seen in my very long fifty years
on this planet. I am now ready to sell my ideas, my services on this blog and
enjoy myself while doing it. I have a resolution for 2015—I am going to blog
more and have some good clean fun while I am at it too!
I have met some very good people on my blog and someone even
promised me that he could make my blog into a +Huffington Post- for a fee of course.
You know- Huffington Post, that blog that went on and made millions of dollars.
I have had people who read my blog and advised me to quit blogging- what a
cheek lot. I have a new resolution for 2015—I am going to blog more and earn
My +Google adsense account got suspended on my first blog
and I would not give up. I blogged on and as I blog now there is a credit on my
account. It is not much but I did earn something from my blog and those who had
the cheek to discourage me can go hang. I did tell everyone I blogged about
common nonsense and I love it! I have a resolution for 2015- I am going to blog
more, make more money and have more fun.
Finally I would like to thank the likes of people at +Google ,+Jeff Bullas, +Tanya Aliza,
Tendai weSmoko and my awesome EMMIN Consult network team of resellers. Thank
you and let’s get into 2015 in a big way.
(c) Edmore Mbuzana Mlambo 2014 all rights reserved