I own a dual sim android smartphone which run on Econet and
Telcel lines.
My device allows me to select which line to receive data with.

I have noticed that when I recharge my Econet line with a
dollar and buy 5 Megabytes of data even when I do not use it or make a single
call my airtime will be exhausted in less than four hours.
I have compared the same with my Telcel where I have bought
the same amount of airtime and checked on the balance after four hours I will
still be having 4.89 Megabytes and my balance of $0.50. Remember my phone uses
the same applications and it is in standby mode and I am not using it !!!!
I do not have any background applications running but you still find your balance reduced.
It is clear that Econet is robbing most of us of our hard
earned dollars. Where can we complain or report this criminal act. I challenge
Econet on this and I have already complained and visited their offices in
Harare and Mutare.
At the moment I continue to receive “News” which I have not
requested for and I have been charged for a service I do not want. I have made
several visit to their offices my complaint has not been taken seriously.
I have written about this and other on my blog www.edmorembuzanamlambo.blogspot.com
my mobile number is +263773037230 and have complained to Econet_support on
twitter and my problems have not been solved
©Edmore Mbuzana Mlambo 2014 All rights reserved
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