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Monday 25 January 2021

COVID 19 for The Reckless, The Ignorant and The Innocent

 The Reckless

The Covid19 pandemic is reeking havoc through our communities and some of us has been reckless, deliberately spreading it by action, word and conduct. 


I was surprised by the comments of the MDC alliance leader Nelson Chamisa when the lockdown was announced. He made some reckless comments as he described the government call for level four lockdown as aimed against poor people.He goes further to say government should have consulted stakeholders before imposing the lockdown and reading between the lines he see the lockdown as political motivated. The statement reflects not only Nelson Chamisa's naivety but may actual be reflection of the common and uninformed sections of our people. The recklessness is born out of ignorance of the disease which we are dealing with. 

Law enforcement agencies has been reckless in allowing people to pass on roadblocks without letters of authority. They have been reckless to allow illegal passenger vehicles to pass in exchange of bribes. The passengers have been reckless to board unsafe and unsanitary vehicles. We have been a reckless nation and we must pay the price. We will pay the prices for these action by the deaths of our family members and our fellow citizens.

People have ignored government call to stay at home.People are not wearing masks. People are not practising social distance or observing the physical distances in crowds...some people are refusing or avoiding sanitisation.People are just being recklesss and we as Zimbabwe will pay the price of this recklessness.

The Ignorant 

There is a lot of misinformation about Covid19. A quick browse on social media posts and the ignorant content will surprise you. There are wild stories of the origin of  COVID19,  there are thousands of homemade remedies and even fake stories of survivors. It is this ignorance which is helping to spread the virus 

It is true that crowds or any gathering are super spreaders of COVID19.  We have  ignorantly held parties,conducted private lessons, attended funerals and even held music shows , like the Chilspot guys from Mbare. It is this level of ignorance that government must target all its  efforts.

Law enforcement  agencies must intensify their efforts in the best way they can in order to bring this disease under control.

The Innocent 

Lastly we have the innocent children amongst us. We should protect our children from the disease. Schools are super spreaders and teachers who are conducting lessons of any kind must be prosecuted. Parents who send their children should be prosecuted, as they are no different from the Mbare trio.


In conclusion we have to change our attitude towards this disease, we have to treat and see the disease as an enemy. We need to hide from it...by staying at home ....masking up ....and let us give it the respect it deserves. Let us fear it and let us fear death. Covid19 is a death sentence! !

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