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Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Me and Social media

I did write on this blog that l was going to put my twitter account on steroids. It was a kneejack responds to my faltering social media presence. l had a blog which people rarely visited,  a twitter account with just over 200 viewers since 2008, a Facebook  book page that had 135 likes and l just said l was going to double these
statistics in 6 month.That was my target!!!

My main objective of getting on social media was to increase my market reach and generate leads for my ever emerging company registration and business advisory service venture.

I am told there are 1.5 billion people  on Facebook but l still have  140 very loyal clients and fans who have liked my page. It is 1.5 billion potential customers and l saw a gold mine and hence l opened my Facebook page.  I am still fishing for leads.
I actually lost one or two fans on my Facebook  over the last six months.

I started my blog with the same objective for my Facebook page.  I needed  business leads and of course the elusive Adsense revenue.  On the marketing and leads l have yet to see the impact but on the Adsense revenue l have increased my very modest earnings.
My blog traffic has increased to just over 500 per month. This is a great improvement since l had just over a thousand visitors for the whole of 2015.

My twitter  account has been a great success as l have increased my followers from just over 200 in January to over 1600 over a period of nine months. 
I attribute the increase to automation and my lively participation  and engagement  on Twitter.

I  have had my few lessons about social media, on the business  side, social media is not a substitute for marketing . I still need to get out there and hustle if l need new business! Social media compliments my business activities . My advice to all business is get on the social media train and grow.

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