The so-called Jeezera series on the so-called Gold Mafia of Zimbabwe has come and gone. The "expose" that Al Jazeera Investigative Unit (I-Unit) copied and pasted from what I believe is an old CIA plot generated by the US Embassy. It is a tall tale and a web of falsehoods.
The people involved in Zimbabwean Gold Mafia are a group of people employed by the Zimbabwean government to export gold on the government’s behalf. It is a scheme to bust the USA and EU sanctions placed on political leaders and government entities².
The so-called Gold Mafia have one goal: Sanction Busting! Here is a government that is under sanctions that have been declared illegal by the United Nations. The government is buying gold from licenced dealers, who in turn have bought it from artisanal miners.
The licenced dealers sell their gold to Fidelity ( a wholly-owned government company run by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe). The Reserve Bank with concurrency of the Zimbabwean Treasury(Ministry of Finance) and the Cabinet ( Office of the President and Cabinet) can sell the gold to anyone. The three institutions have the people of Zimbabwe's mandate to sell gold, without consulting the USA, UK or the Al Jazeera Investigative Unit (I-Unit).
The process of selling our gold is legal and above board except if you are a USA citizen because the Zimbabwean Government act is at odds with the ZIDERA sanctions bill made in the USA senate in 2000.
The Al Jezeera Investigative Unit has told us a tall tale. The very act of having a phone call without a face at the other end of the line is a sign that they are selling us the people of Zimbabwe a lie. In this age and hour where we can Skype, Google Meet or Zoom the clever guys at Al Jazeera would like us to believe that we are still in the 1970s. In Shona, we say "Ingano dzaTsuro naGudo" .....a tall fairy tale!!
The Al Jeezera Unit should have had a fifth episode of how a Zimbabwean can be part of the Gold Mafia. It would have been helpful to the doubting Thomases among us.
It will have gone like this: you can buy a claim or go to the nearest river, I recommend Mutare River and take your sieve and start work. If you get your gold point, sell it to a licenced buyer. Get your money and be part of the gold Mafia.
For those with money, you can apply for a gold buying licence from Fidelity, buy gold from makorokoza in the above paragraph, process the gold and sell it to Fidelity. Get your money and you are now part of the Gold Mafia.
I am waiting for the Al Jeezera Investigative Unit to come out with Episode 5 of the Gold Mafia. I know they can not investigate with half-telephone conservations on this one.
Source: Conversation with Bing, 14/5/2023(1) BREAKING: Al Jazeera Investigative Unit’s Zimbabwe Gold Mafia .... Accessed 14/5/2023.
(2) How a ‘Gold Mafia’ is looting Southern Africa, washing dirty cash. Accessed 14/5/2023.