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Of Consensus, Democracy and Confusion

  Where is the democracy in the CCC outfit?? The election is a democratic process of choosing a person to get into public office. The proces...

Wednesday, 9 September 2020

Your Story is your History


Tell me your story

Tell me your future

History is yesterday's story,

Today is yesterday's dream

This future we built it yesterday,

We shall live it today,

And make it our story

This dayT

A Slave Today or Always A Slave ...Nhapwa yaMutape

Is made up of yesterday, 

And today.

We can not have today

Without yesterday.

Our history was alive before today

And let us cherish it today

That is your story

That is your history

The Munhumutapa/Dzimbahwe

Tuesday, 25 August 2020

The Rhodesian Influence in Zimbabwean Economy and Politics

 The recent award of US$3,5billion compensation to white Rhodesian settler farmers and the sanctions on Zimbabwe by the USA and the European Union is evidence of how White Capital can influence African politics. The influence of white capital in Zimbabwean politics is centred around land and the minerals resources under it. 

There is a direct link between the opposition party MDC and white capital. The MDC was formed and funded by Rhodesian settler farmers as a kneejerk response to Robert Mugabe's land reform programme.

It is important that every black Zimbabwean know the background and history of land ownership.I have taken this opportunity to create awareness of the power of white Rhodesian Capital.

The Origin of White Capital

Cecil John Rhodes was the founder of British South African Company, which l will call BSAC. The BSAC had interests in Rhodesia, Malawi and South Africa. After his death, the company broke up into many linked entities with interests in mining and agriculture.  The companies I would like to draw your interests to are Anglo American Corporation, Lonrho, Meikles and Old Mutual. These companies form the cornerstone of white Rhodesian Capital.

The restructuring of white Rhodesian capital

The restructuring of white Rhodesian capital started before 1980. The companies still hold controlling shares in all most all listed companies on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange. The companies can influence the prices of commodities and foreign currency exchange rate. Think about the Old Mutual Implied Rate.

The Movement of White Rhodesian capital 

Every one of us has read about De Beers and Anglo American Corporation. The companies were handed over to the Oppenheimer family after Rhodes' death.

 The companies were until the Independence of South Africa in 1994  had their headquarters in South Africa. They had strategically retreated from Charter House in Harare and Bulawayo just before Zimbabwe's independence in1980. Today the headquarters of Rhodesian capital are all now in Europe. 

The Oppenheimer and The Return of White Capital

In 1990 the Oppeinheimers moved their capital from De Beers and Anglo American Corporation into various investment vehicles managed by the Brenthurst Trust. The Brenthurst Trust patent objective is to invest in Africa and its latent objective is to recolonise Africa. The later objective is included in its trust's mission statement. 

Black Faces on White Capital 

Today as we speak the chairman of Brenthurst Trust is the former President of Nigeria  Obasanjo. The Trust has been sponsoring the so-called pro-Democratic parties in various African countries. Our own Nelson Chamisa did attend a workshop held by the Brenthurst Trust held in November 2019..

The latent objective of the Trust is to sponsor neoliberalism in the hope of getting white capital influence which has been lost.

Sunday, 22 March 2020

Of Presidential Jokes, Colonial yoke and the Corona Virus

The infamous COVID19 virus final arrived in March. I mean official. The virus unofficial arrived in December 2019 according to the opposition party and the so-called independent media. It was time for the opposition to blame the government on inaccurate statistics, a collapsed health system and inadequate preparations.
When the virus final arrived on March 16 the opposition and the independent media celebrated. That is the type of Opposition parties that we have in Zimbabwe. Opposition leaders who celebrate the demise of their nation.

The mortuaries of this world are supposed to be cold, the newer the mortuary the colder!! That was the centre of the Presidential Joke of the month. It is only the so-called independent media that had a field day twisting the joke and the opposition MDC alliance hanging on to the twist.

The ZIDERA sanctions were routinely renewed in February as has been the norm since 2002. The purpose of the sanctions was to alienate the people of Zimbabwe from ZANU-PF and the land reform program. The Chimanimani by-election done in March is direct defiance and a slap in the face for the opposition MDC alliance.  It was 1587 ZANU-PF members voting against a paltry 227 MDC alliance voters. The sanctions will not work!!

The opposition in their quest to be the champion of land reform is selling the idea that the Rhodesian settlers are now being allowed to repossess their farms with the assistance of the Government of Zimbabwe.

The Ministry of Land has come up with Statutory Instrument 62 of 2020 which clearly debunk that notion. The statutory instrument is clear....the land reform program is not reversible. We will never wear the colonial yoke on our black necks.

Zimbabwe will never be a colony again!!

Tuesday, 21 January 2020

The Machete Gangs and the white supremacists Conspiracy

The story of the Mashurugwis can not be told without mentioning the Anglo American Corporation, the Oppenheimer, USA, the Serbian national Srdja Popovic and head of CANVAS and the MDC Alliance leadership. This regime change grouping has been working closely with USA embassy staff in Harare under the guise of USAID.

SRDJA Popovic, the leader of CANVAS came up with the Mashurugwi formula as all have failed in removing ZANU Pf from power. The MDC activists who have attended those secretive workshop sponsored by the George Soros Foundation are at the core of the machete gangs. George Soros Foundation is publicly known as a sponsor of liberal movements but is a white supremacist organisation. The foundation has been funding non-governmental organisation in Zimbabwe via USAID.

The MDC alliance top leadership are the key link of the Mashurugwi project. Youths who have been selected to attend CANVAS workshops within and without the country are directly organising the Mashurugwi gangs. Nelson Chamisa has also has been attending similar workshops in the Netherlands and recently in South Africa.

A few months back a suspicious container arrived from Morocco from a Metalwork company called Sonasid it was classified as USA diplomatic goods. Its believed it contained large quantities of Machetes now being distributed to Mashurugwi thugs hell-bent in inducing civil war. The machetes I strongly believe are being distributed through USAID network offices throughout the country.

Sonasid Metalwork of Morocco has a history of providing Machetes starting from the Rwanda genocide to the Janjaweed of Sudan. In all the conflicts the USA sought to protect its interests.

It is not crazy to link the AAC to the Mashurugwi story. AAC which is a successor of the British South African Company founded by Rhodes. The BSAC then latter broke into De Beers and AAC which were once owned directly by the Oppenheimer family of South Africa. The Oppenheimer still own AAC indirectly through various investment vehicles.

A few months ago Nelson Chamisa attended a workshop funded by the Brenthurst Foundation which is an AAC baby. The objective of the foundation is to push for regime change in the guise of good governance. The foundation raw objective is the recolonisation of Africa via white supremacists resource grabbing multinationals.

My point is the Machete gangs are attacking all major forex earning areas which have gold and diamond. CANVAS, Brenthurst Foundation, the MDC Alliance and their masters are hoping for maximum chaos in the country to create a civil war. The aim and role of the AAC are to reclaim their resource grip in Zimbabwe and they have indirectly been training and arming the so-called Mashurugwi.

It is up to our security and intelligence agencies to read through the intention of our enemies. Can the State stand and watch as these foreign-sponsored terror organisations cause chaos?.

Tuesday, 3 December 2019

The illegitimate leader of an illegitimate party

The Gweru illegal midnight congress was held after Nelson Chamisa dribbled past a High Court order, by lodging a last-minute appeal. It was expected, as always,  that Nelson Chamisa would hold the sham Congress.

What the ordinary Zimbabwean is seeing in Nelson Chamisa is a person who not only defies the courts of the land, but a leader who likes a thief has held both the nominations process and the Congress in the darkness of the night.

It is obvious that by cheating his way to the presidency of his own unknown party, a party without a constitution and declaring himself President, he has taken his own illegitimacy to the next level. The level of illegitimacy which Nelson Chamisa has propelled himself has reached a comical, if not childish level.

Politicians like those in MDC forget that they are begging the people to enter government for five years. Politicians will temporarily form the third arm of government(legislature), while as the judiciary and executive are the permanent arms. There is a complete disrespect for both the government and the State by MDC Alliance.

Governments are elected every five years, while as the appointment to State Institutions including the Judiciary is for up to 65 years. These civil servants in the Executive and Judiciary are the permanent face of Government. Civil servants represent the State and ensure continuity of govern functions. The government can run without the Legislature or your local politicians, but it can not function without civil servants.

Nelson Chamisa and company have chosen to ignore the above fact. The technocrats, securocrats and bureaucrats that man State institutions are the gatekeepers. It is these State institutions that the opposition has continued to disrespect and insult. Disrespecting state institutions is a sure sign of illegitimacy and it is illegal too.

I have two questions for Nelson Chamisa. Can you lead a party without the support of the common people, without the support of the civil service and the support of your own party grassroots membership?

Can unelected leader without a party become a legitimate President of the Republic of Zimbabwe?

Zimbabweans I rest my case!!!

Tuesday, 3 September 2019

A Closer look at ZIDERA sanctions


This document is explanatory only and does not have the force of law. Executive
Orders 13288, 13391, 13469, applicable laws and the implementing regulations
pertaining to Zimbabwe (31 C.F.R. Part 541) contain the legally binding
provisions governing the sanctions.  This document does not supplement or modify
the Executive orders or the regulations.


The Zimbabwe sanctions program implemented by the Office of Foreign Assets
Control (“OFAC”) began on March 7, 2003, when the President issued Executive
Order (“E.O.”) 13288.  E.O. 13288 imposed sanctions against specifically
identified individuals and entities in Zimbabwe, as a result of the actions and
policies of certain members of the Government of Zimbabwe and other persons
undermining democratic institutions or processes in Zimbabwe.  Following E.O.
13288, in response to the continued undermining of democratic institutions, the
President issued two subsequent Executive orders that expanded the list of
sanctions targets to include immediate family members of any person whose
property and interests in property are blocked as well as those persons
providing assistance to any such individual.


On March 6, 2003, the President signed E.O. E.O. 13288, declaring a national
emergency to deal with the unusual and extraordinary threat to U.S. foreign
policy posed by the situation in or in relation to Zimbabwe, which included
widespread violence that threatened regional stability.  E.O. 13288 was issued
pursuant to, inter alia, the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50
U.S.C. §§ 1701 et seq.) (“IEEPA”) and the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. §§
1601 et seq.) (“NEA”).  This E.O. included an annex designating approximately 80

On July 29, 2004, OFAC issued the
Zimbabwe Sanctions Regulations (the
“Regulations”) to implement E.O. 13288.  See 31 C.F.R. Part 541.

On November 22, 2005, the President signed E.O. 13391 pursuant to, inter alia,
IEEPA and the NEA to take additional steps with respect to the continued actions
and policies of certain persons who were undermining democratic processes in
Zimbabwe.  E.O. 13391 significantly expanded the designation criteria.  It also
replaced and superseded the annex to E.O. 13288 in its entirety and added
approximately 80 new annex names.  The new E.O. targets persons undermining
Zimbabwe’s democratic processes or institutions, as well as material supporters
and immediate family members of Special Designated Nationals (“SDNs”) under the
Zimbabwe program.

On July 25, 2008, the President issued E.O. 13469 pursuant to, inter alia, IEEPA
and the NEA, in response to the continued actions and policies by the Government
of Zimbabwe and others to undermine Zimbabwe’s democratic processes or
institutions, as manifested in the fundamentally undemocratic election held on
June 27, 2008, and acts of violence and other human rights abuses against
political opponents.  E.O. 13469 added new designation criteria to target senior
officials of the Government of Zimbabwe, entities owned or controlled by the
Government of Zimbabwe, human rights abuses related to political repression and
public corruption by senior officials of the Government.

Current Zimbabwe sanctions block the property and interests in property of
individuals and entities listed in the Annex to E.O. 13391 or that are
determined by the Secretary of the Treasury in consultation with the Secretary
of State to:

Be a senior official of the Government of Zimbabwe;

Be owned or controlled by, directly or indirectly, the Government of Zimbabwe
or an official or officials of the Government of Zimbabwe;

Have engaged in actions or policies to undermine Zimbabwe’s democratic
processes or institutions;

Be responsible for, or have participated in, human rights abuses related to
political repression in Zimbabwe;

Be engaged in, or have engaged in, activities facilitating public corruption
by senior officials of the Government of Zimbabwe;

Be a spouse or dependent child of any person whose property and interests in
property are blocked pursuant to E.O.s 13288, 13391, or 13469, or an immediate
family member of any person whose property and interests in property are blocked
pursuant to E.O. 13391;

Have materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial, material,
logistical, or technological support to the Government of Zimbabwe, any senior
official or any person blocked pursuant to E.O.s 13288, 13391, or 13469; or

Be owned, controlled, or acting on behalf of any person blocked pursuant to
E.O.s 13288, 13391, or 13469.

The names of those persons and entities listed in the Annexes to, or designated
pursuant to, E.O.s 13288, 13391, and 13469, whose property and interests in
property are therefore blocked, are published in the Federal Register and
incorporated into OFAC’s Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Person List
(“SDN List”) with the OFAC program tag “[ZIMBABWE].”  The SDN List is available
on OFAC’s Web site at http://www.treasury.gov/sdn.

Note: Certain persons have been targeted for sanctions on the basis of their
connection to the Government of Zimbabwe.  However, U.S. sanctions do not block
the Government of Zimbabwe as a whole, nor do they prohibit all business with
the country of Zimbabwe or transactions involving that jurisdiction.

This fact sheet is a broad summary of the sanctions currently in place.  For an
updated list of authorities and sanctions please refer to the OFAC’s Web site


Unless otherwise authorized or exempt, transactions by U.S. persons, or in or
involving the United States are prohibited if they involve transferring, paying,
exporting, withdrawing, or otherwise dealing in the property or interests in
property of an entity or individual listed on the SDN List.  The property and
interests in property of an entity that is 50% or more owned, directly or
indirectly, by a person on the SDN List are also blocked, regardless of whether
the entity itself is listed.  For details please see:



Certain types of activities and transactions may be exempt from the prohibitions
of the Regulations and the Executive orders.  For example, personal
communications, information or informational materials and transactions
ordinarily incident to travel to or from any country are exempt.  Please see 31
C.F.R. § 541.206 for details.


OFAC may authorize certain types or categories of activities and transactions,
which would otherwise be prohibited with respect to Zimbabwe, by issuing a
general license.  General licenses may be published in the Regulations, on
OFAC’s website, or both.  For example, the provision of certain legal services
to or on behalf of persons whose property and interests in property are blocked
pursuant to 31 C.F.R. § 541.201(a) is authorized, provided that all receipts of
payment of professional fees and reimbursement of incurred expenses must be
specifically licensed.  See 31 C.F.R. § 541.507.

Also, on April 24, 2013, OFAC issued a general license authorizing all
transactions involving Agricultural Development Bank of Zimbabwe and
Infrastructure Development Bank of Zimbabwe.

For a current list of all general licenses relating to the Zimbabwe sanctions
program, please see 31 C.F.R. Part 541 subpart E or visit:


On a case-by-case basis OFAC considers applications for specific licenses to
authorize transactions that are neither exempt nor covered by a general license.
Requests for a specific license must be submitted to OFAC’s Licensing Division.
License requests may be submitted using any of the below methods:

Online: http://www.treasury.gov/resource-center/sanctions/Pages/licensing.aspx

Fax: (202) 622-1657

U.S. mail: Assistant Director for Licensing, Office of Foreign Assets Control,
U.S. Department of the Treasury, 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC


Civil monetary penalties of up to the greater of $250,000 or twice the amount of
the underlying transaction may be imposed administratively against any person
who violates, attempts to violate, conspires to violate, or causes a violation
of E.O.s 13288, 13391, and 13469 or the Regulations.  Upon conviction, criminal
penalties of up to $1,000,000, imprisonment for up to 20 years, or both, may be
imposed on any person who willfully commits or attempts to commit, or willfully
conspires to commit, or aids or abets in the commission of a violation of the
E.O.s or the Regulations.

This document is explanatory only and does not have the force of law.  Please
see particularly E.O.s 13288, 13391, and 13469, and the implementing regulations
pertaining to Zimbabwe (31 C.F.R. Part 541) among other applicable laws for
legally binding provisions governing the sanctions.  This document does not
supplement or modify the Executive orders or the Regulations.

The Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control also administers
sanctions programs involving the Balkans, Belarus, Burma (Myanmar), Côte
d’Ivoire, Cuba, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rough Diamond Trading
(Kimberley Process), Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, North Korea, Somalia,
Sudan, Syria, and Yemen as well as highly enriched uranium, persons who commit,
threaten to commit, or support terrorism, international narcotics traffickers,
Foreign Terrorist Organizations, Terrorism List Governments, transnational
criminal organizations, and weapons of mass destruction and their supporters.
For additional information about these programs or about sanctions involving
Zimbabwe, please contact:

U.S. Department of the Treasury
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20220


Thursday, 30 May 2019

Chamisa 's Court Order Dodge

Nelson Chamisa self-declared leader of the opposition MDC party has been stripped of his leadership role by the courts. The courts have been very specific on the illegitimacy of his leadership. I wrote about this illegitimacy last year on my blog and l received a lot of criticism from hordes of uninformed supporters.

 Nelson Chamisa illegitimacy as President of MDC was unquestionable but it is the sanity of hordes of his supporters that is questionable. The court judgment brings out the truth of his illegitimacy. Justice Edith Mushore’s ruling nullifying Nelson Chamisa’s leadership of the party came as a surprise to the Nero brigades but to the majority of Zimbabweans, it was clear that Nelson Chamisa's had illegal wriggled his way to the MDC leadership.

 The judgment also nullified the way the self-declared leader and his then co-vice president Elias Mudzuri were catapulted by the late founding leader Morgan Tsvangirai to be his deputies in 2016. It also compelled the party to hold an extra-ordinary congress within a month.

 The last part of the judgement has irked Nelson Chamisa and scuttled his plan to regularise his stolen leadership status at a sham congress which he had set up. Jacob Mafume had the audacity to demean the court's outcome at a press conference. He actually said the courts were captured and he insisted that Chamisa would go ahead with his sham congress.

 The questions that we ask again as Zimbabweans are many but very important. Can a leader who disregards his own party's constitution be able to lead a country? Will he be able to respect the country's constitution!? Can a prospective leader of Zimbabwe ignore the courts of the land? Can he expect the gatekeepers of the State, that is, the Executive and Judiciary to allow him to set his foot in State House?

 Will our army salute a renegade and a crook? Zimbabweans l rest my case.