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Of Consensus, Democracy and Confusion

  Where is the democracy in the CCC outfit?? The election is a democratic process of choosing a person to get into public office. The proces...

Thursday, 3 August 2017

My Budget Proposals For 2018

 I propose that motor vehicles duty on second-hand cars should be lowered as the duty only serves to burden the poor as it makes transport expensive. We do not have the comparative advantage in the manufacturing of motor vehicles and the so-called motor vehicle manufacturing companies are importing kits which they assembly.

These companies in light of advancing technology and automation are never going to employ as much as they were employing in the seventies and eighties.
In short, we do not have the motor industry to protect, and the notion that second-hand cars are a nuisance is an elitist one. The benefit of having more second-hand motor vehicles on our roads beat that of not importing as I shall highlight on my second proposal.

I propose that spot fines charged for traffic offenses be reduced to between $1.00 and $5.00. All other fines should be paid directly to the Consolidated Revenue Fund by direct deposit or by bank transfers.

I propose that a fuel tax is charged per every liter of diesel and petrol. This will work as opposed to the one-time import duty on the second-hand vehicle. Every vehicle that is moving on our roads will be contributing to the fiscus; in short, it means every vehicle registered or not, will become a revenue source that will contribute to the fiscus  on a daily basis. The more the merrier as the Englishman will say.

This tax is hard to invade and easy to collect and Zimra should have their supermarket machines at every service station and collect hard cash every morning.

I propose that the excise duty is the same on imported beer and local beers as these are all manufactured by a cartel. Canned and bottled beer is being dumped in Zimbabwe and the importers should fund the fiscus. I propose 50% excise duty on a liter of beer, wine, and spirits.

Gonomics (the economics according to Gideon Gono) used to call these sin taxes let the sinners pay. The official smugglers (Multinational Corporations) and the unofficial smugglers pay the tax for their sins. Amen!!!

I propose that all exports be pre-inspected and valued before being shipped. I also propose that all companies that export and do not want their shipments inspected pay a refundable deposit of say $10 000 per consignment for exemption.

My proposal is in view of the rampant under-invoicing by multinational companies and former foreign-owned companies especially those in Manicaland 

I propose that a fund for whistleblowers be set up at the Anti Corruption Commission which will reward people who make genuine
reports on corruption be rewarded. This will go a long way in reducing corrupt activities in our economy.

More Proposals to Follow

Monday, 31 July 2017

Coalition of Confusion

We have heard a lot about the coalition of the Zimbabwean opposition parties. It seems it's all about talking and more talking. The opposition as a whole is in disarray. It is a coalition of confusion.

Deadline for Coalition

Morgan Tsvangirayi had set up a deadline for a coalition. The deadline was the 31st of July. It has come to pass. The self-declared head of coalition had the cheeky ( no pun intended ) to threaten the other parties that if they fail to meet the deadline, he would go it alone. A coalition of one party l believe!!
The other parties, which are not real parties but for individual hiding behind names, just put up their middle fingers at Morgan Tsvangirayi and his deadline.
Our question to Morgan Tsvangirayi the self-declared leader of the yet to be formed a coalition is: What next?

The Price for Coalition

The little parties led by individuals, including the likes of Hosea Chipanga,  Egypt Dzinemunhenzva and of late Nkosana Moyo are aware of the price they have to pay just to associate with MDC-T and Morgan Tsvangirayi. It will cost them their clean names just to sit down on the same table.
MDC-T has had a history of being a project of the former Rhodesian white supremacists settlers. It has been seen as the sponsor of economic sanctions against Zimbabwe. It is also viewed as an opponent of the land reform program. Not one sane person would associate with the MDC-T and still have his or her hands clean.
The price is too high to pay for most parties.

I have an interesting observation on the coalition. Why can't MDC-T go it alone and contest the elections? Why is it that the MDC-T wants the coalition so desperately?
The MDC-T has lost support over the years due to dictatorial tendencies of its leadership. The likes of Ncube, Biti and Mangoma have jumped ship and formed their own parties. This has drained, confused and split the party's constituency.

It is my belief that we will have a coalition of some sort after the elections.
The coalition will according to the facts on the ground, be to make up one-third of the parliamentary seats. ZANU Pf is assured of two-thirds or more of the parliamentary seats.

The July lessons for all Zimbabweans

Lesson 1 The Office and The person

One lesson all Zimbabweans learned in July was that you have the person in the office and the office. It is acceptable to insult the President of Zimbabwe as a person but it is unacceptable to insult the Office of the President and Cabinet.
The politician in Robert Mugabe can be bar talk or food and fuel for a political rally. It is his office that we need to respect as Zimbabweans. This rule applies to all civil servants and their offices. We can insult and fire our politicians at rallies but We cannot do the same to our civil servants.
This l believe every village fool (including those fools with doctorates) have learned.

Lesson 2 The Laws of Gravity

I had to remind myself of my primary school teacher, sometime long ago and in some forgotten school in Bocha. He could throw a stone into the sky and ask the class if the where the stone had gone. We, in our childhood ignorance we came out with some very wild answers. The teacher repeated that exercise for three days and that is how we learned about the Law of Gravity.
The guys at The Sunday Mail and the Herald should look for my Grade 5 teacher and have a crash course on the Laws of Gravity. I think that they have seen gravity at work though, especially on the Saviour Kasukuwere and Professor Jonathan Moyo stories they have been feeding the public with.

Lesson 3 Politics is not a beauty contest

I am not going to be very hard on Advocate Fadzayi Mahere. She got a beautiful yellow manifesto and she cut a beautiful figure. Has she ever contested in a beauty contest?
I will like to congratulate her for offering herself as an independent candidate for  Mt. Pleasant.
I am still in the beauty contest. Who is the fairest of our  Cabinet ministers?
Is command agriculture ugly or beautiful? Was command agriculture ever discussed in Cabinet?  Were all Cabinet minister present?  Is command agriculture a beauty contest?
As a layman and a citizen, I leave those questions to the politicians and the guys at The Herald and The Sunday Mail.
I have learned some really good lessons on Zimbabwean politics!!!

Friday, 14 July 2017

Zimbabwe's Bond Notes And Archaic Banking Systems

Success or Failure
My recent experiences with my bank have shown me that our banking system needs a complete overhaul. I have seen queues growing and being told that there is no cash available. I have had my money transferred and getting lost in our banking systems. 

The fin-tech overhauls are necessary if we have to make our banking systems work. The cash shortages and bank queues are symptoms of archaic traditional systems and technology which is still being used by most of the banks. 
I suggest we get rid of the RTGS , the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe force bank to adapt to new technologies and give the Bond notes the respect they deserve. I will discuss how and why below.


Our economy and the world is going digital at a fast pace than the banks can match. Our banks still talk of  RTGS as if it is real time. It is not!! Real Time must be real time, not four weeks or four days it must be real time. It must be immediate.

The general banking public and I in particular needs improved customer service and products. I want my bank to have effective and efficient data. I need to bank with a bank that meets all regulatory requirements.  All my banks have archaic legacy core software systems, implemented decades ago, are letting me down. The Reserve bank must put in place regulations that force banks to replace old systems and adopt new financial technologies.
Cash or plastic money
It's a fact that adopting new technologies is costly in terms of retraining and retooling. Government via the Reserve Bank must offer incentives and tax rebates on training and waiver customs and exercise duty. These costs are deterring most banks from even trying to overhaul their systems. 

We have blamed banks and the Reserve of Zimbabwe for the queues and cash shortages.However, this is a mistake, the banking public has to familiarize themselves with the new technologies use this knowledge to reduce the queues and avert cash shortages in our economy.
I believe the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe and banks are doing very little to familiarize the banking public on new technologies and persuading them to use the new technologies such as mobile banking.
The bond notes are now being used as a currency. They can cross the borders of Zimbabwe and can be moved from bank to mobile wallets. The fungibility of the bond notes is the cause of its shortage in our banking system.
Bond notes are crossing our borders 

The bond notes fungibility is higher that of neighboring countries notes. This is a positive development but our banks, including the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe, still treat the bond note as a surrogate currency. It is time for the research on the movement, value, and quantity of the physical bond notes. The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe can use this information to carry out market operations by printing the deficit in the physical bond notes in order to wipe out the bank queues and cash shortages. 

The reduction of bank queues and cash shortages is the responsibility of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe and the banks.The banking public expects action and results from them.

Sunday, 9 July 2017

History and His Story

Tell me your story 
Tell me your future
 History is yesterday's story, 
 Today is yesterday's dream 
This future we built it yesterday,
 We shall live it to day,
 And make it our story

This day Is made up of yesterday,
 And today.
 We can not have today 
Without yesterday.

Friday, 30 June 2017

Fake Democrats and Real Dictators

I got a question about this whole dictatorship and democracy on the tongue of every Zimbabwean. You see there is no democracy in the name ZANU Pf. It is a party that fought against the white settler regime. It is a party that brought the vote to the black majority. There is no D for Democracy in the acronym ZANU Pf and we have now been conditioned to believe that it is a party headed by an elected dictator

Now if you read in the gutter press we have a banquet of parties with "Democracy" in their name. The MDCs, PDP and a host of other parties. These are parties that you and I have been told are the democratic parties because their names say so! These parties even though they are led by dictators who have even been cheeky enough to give the parties their surnames. You have heard of the MDC- Tsvangirai, MDC-Ncube and other parties which are permanently in the opposition and reform mode.


Tsvangirai and Ncube have been on the helms of their parties for 20 and 15 years respectively without the mandate of their members. Does the D still stands for Democracy in the two MDCs or it now stands for Dictatorship? It is these foreign sponsored projects that thrive on dictatorship tendencies and pervert the name democracy. The leaders of these parties are fake Democrats and are the true dictators.


It has come to pass the MDCs with all their surnames and colours have formed a coalition. Robert Mugabe has rightfully pointed out that "it is a coalition of zeros'. As we have said no one would like to associate with the MDC except the MDC itself. Biti, Ncube and Tsvangirai are back where they started and the white supremacist's regime change agenda is on the card. We expect the three to visit Chatham House soon to seek funds and hopefully get some funds from the USA via The Heritage Foundation.


 Mugabe has in the meantime been elected at a national Congress by members of his party every five years since 1980. Elections are an element of the democratic process, but because there is no D in ZANU Pf  Robert Mugabe will always be labeled a dictator by the white supremacists' propaganda machine.

My question to all Zimbabweans is WHAT IS IN A NAME?

Sunday, 7 May 2017

The Chidyausiku Story of Content and Relevance

Alternative Narrative
Who was Justice Godfrey Guwa Chidyausiku?  He was the person responsible for dismantling the white supremacist's laws on land and made the Rhodesian settlers title deeds have the same value with rolls of toilet tissue.Under his commendable watch, the Land Acquisition Act was perfected to match any piece of legislation anywhere in the world.

From Land Grab to Land Reform
I stand to be corrected as yet we have black people speaking about the so-called land grab. It is Justice Chidyausiku who made our legislation on land sync with the objectives of both the first and second Chimurenga. He changed  Tsvangirayi words from  "land grab"  to "land reform". The vocabularies of the opposition parties and independent media were changed too.

It will be interesting to read what was said about the land reform at MDC rallies in 2000 and what they are saying todTsvangirayi and the white supremacist's media had to change their vocabulary on the land reform. That was how profound the impact of Chief Justice Chidyausiku on our politics.

Alternative Story of a Hero
In my discussion and interaction on social media networks, the internet, and print newspapers networks, I came across a lot of people who did not even know about Justice Chidyausiku. I found myself communicating with a lost generation. People who thought that Justice Chidyausiku was a road engineer amongst all of the things, despite the title before his name.

These are the same people who call ZBC  'dead BC'. A generation that thrives on newsfeed from SABC, CNN, SKY, Al Jezera, STUDIO 7 and France 24.  Most of these people l argued with have never set foot outside the borders of Zimbabwe. These guys have never been in Pretoria, Washington, London, Dubai or Paris but they identified themselves and have absorbed the content of these newsfeeds.

I had to remind them that Zimbabwe has an alternative and relevant informative newsfeeds that have local content.The alternative and relevant source of local content is none other than the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation, that is the so-called "DeadBC".

The Story of the Settlers
Our arguments on the hero status of the former Chief Justice Godfrey Guwa Chidyausiku raged on.We had opinion pieces in the last outposts of the white supremacists, which the ignorant call the independent media, churning out negative propaganda on our hero.

First, they called him a Rhodesian puppet, secondly they called him the architecture of the Hondo yeminda and a land grabber and finally they accused him of being one of Mugabe's cronies and relative. The independent media was confused and the social media was filled empty and inaccurate content on this man.

It was a deliberate monumental distortion of the story of a hero and the history of Zimbabwe. The people of Zimbabwe know that Justice Chidyausiku was never going to be a hero of the Rhodesian settlers and their sympathizers.This man had intelligently unpacked and repackaged the law to facilitate the land reform program.

He had done what Professor Jonathan Moyo did with the Media and Information laws. He brought relevancy and life to dead pieces of legislations. He aligned the land laws with the aspirations of the black people of Zimbabwe.

A Hero Amongst Heroes
Chief Justice Godfrey Guwa Chidyausiku will be remembered by us all. His name is engraved in history,  from the halls of Lancaster House, in every court, on every resettled piece of land and the minds of the opposition parties and vanquished settlers in Australia, New Zealand, the Europe, and AAmerica.That is our Hero and that is our story about him.

Go well Son of the Soil.