Where is the democracy in the CCC outfit??
The election is a democratic process of choosing a person to get into public office. The process here in Zimbabwe starts typically at the grassroots level. Nelson Chamisa has come up with a weird and ambiguous way of coming up with candidates. The process which he calls "consensus" is a way of imposing favoured friends as election candidates. The imposition of candidates is a sure way to lose an election.
Our questions as Zimbabweans to the CCC are;
Where is the democracy in this secret process of "consensus"?
Who is the democratically elected leader of the CCC?
Where are the primary elections of aspiring members of parliament?

Bribing The Leader And Forgetting the Voter
The opposition party or cult, the CCC, has sitting Members of Parliament paying $1000 to the self-imposed Nelson Chamisa to get their place in the next election.

The Parties and Primaries
The Zanu-PF primaries are the true democracy at play. Let the masses elect their leaders, young, middle-aged or old. The crux of the matter is the ability of the chosen candidate to perform. The general public must question the way the CCC alliance is handling the election process. Those shadowy NGOs and fake civic organisations must comment on the going on in the CCC.
Youth Vote And Generational Renewal
This notion of thinking that youngsters are the alternative leadership is misplaced. The Zanu-PF primaries indicate that a party can undergo generational renewal using the available democratic processes. A good leader will always be identified by the electorate.
The youth vote is not the monopoly of the opposition parties as seen by the youth participating as voters and candidates in the Zanu-Pf primaries. The CCC must look at itself if they need to be relevant and appealing to the youths of Zimbabwe.
We the people of Zimbabwe are all for the youth. The future of the country and the revolution is in their hands. Let the youths play a role in all our democratic processes.
Zimbabwe is forever!!