SRDJA Popovic, the leader of CANVAS came up with the Mashurugwi formula as all have failed in removing ZANU Pf from power. The MDC activists who have attended those secretive workshop sponsored by the George Soros Foundation are at the core of the machete gangs. George Soros Foundation is publicly known as a sponsor of liberal movements but is a white supremacist organisation. The foundation has been funding non-governmental organisation in Zimbabwe via USAID.
The MDC alliance top leadership are the key link of the Mashurugwi project. Youths who have been selected to attend CANVAS workshops within and without the country are directly organising the Mashurugwi gangs. Nelson Chamisa has also has been attending similar workshops in the Netherlands and recently in South Africa.
A few months back a suspicious container arrived from Morocco from a Metalwork company called Sonasid it was classified as USA diplomatic goods. Its believed it contained large quantities of Machetes now being distributed to Mashurugwi thugs hell-bent in inducing civil war. The machetes I strongly believe are being distributed through USAID network offices throughout the country.
Sonasid Metalwork of Morocco has a history of providing Machetes starting from the Rwanda genocide to the Janjaweed of Sudan. In all the conflicts the USA sought to protect its interests.
It is not crazy to link the AAC to the Mashurugwi story. AAC which is a successor of the British South African Company founded by Rhodes. The BSAC then latter broke into De Beers and AAC which were once owned directly by the Oppenheimer family of South Africa. The Oppenheimer still own AAC indirectly through various investment vehicles.

My point is the Machete gangs are attacking all major forex earning areas which have gold and diamond. CANVAS, Brenthurst Foundation, the MDC Alliance and their masters are hoping for maximum chaos in the country to create a civil war. The aim and role of the AAC are to reclaim their resource grip in Zimbabwe and they have indirectly been training and arming the so-called Mashurugwi.
It is up to our security and intelligence agencies to read through the intention of our enemies. Can the State stand and watch as these foreign-sponsored terror organisations cause chaos?.