Nelson Chamisa self-declared leader of the opposition MDC party has been stripped of his leadership role by the courts. The courts have been very specific on the illegitimacy of his leadership.
I wrote about this illegitimacy last year on my blog and l received a lot of criticism from hordes of uninformed supporters.
Nelson Chamisa illegitimacy as President of MDC was unquestionable but it is the sanity of hordes of his supporters that is questionable. The court judgment brings out the truth of his illegitimacy.
Justice Edith Mushore’s ruling nullifying Nelson Chamisa’s leadership of the party came as a surprise to the Nero brigades but to the majority of Zimbabweans, it was clear that Nelson Chamisa's had illegal wriggled his way to the MDC leadership.

The judgment also nullified the way the self-declared leader and his then co-vice president Elias Mudzuri were catapulted by the late founding leader Morgan Tsvangirai to be his deputies in 2016.
It also compelled the party to hold an extra-ordinary congress within a month.
The last part of the judgement has irked Nelson Chamisa and scuttled his plan to regularise his stolen leadership status at a sham congress which he had set up. Jacob Mafume had the audacity to demean the court's outcome at a press conference. He actually said the courts were captured and he insisted that Chamisa would go ahead with his sham congress.

The questions that we ask again as Zimbabweans are many but very important. Can a leader who disregards his own party's constitution be able to lead a country? Will he be able to respect the country's constitution!?
Can a prospective leader of Zimbabwe ignore the courts of the land? Can he expect the gatekeepers of the State, that is, the Executive and Judiciary to allow him to set his foot in State House?
Will our army salute a renegade and a crook?
Zimbabweans l rest my case.