I got a question about this whole dictatorship and democracy on the tongue of every Zimbabwean. You see there is no democracy in the name ZANU Pf. It is a party that fought against the white settler regime. It is a party that brought the vote to the black majority. There is no D for Democracy in the acronym ZANU Pf and we have now been conditioned to believe that it is a party headed by an elected dictator

Tsvangirai and Ncube have been on the helms of their parties for 20 and 15 years respectively without the mandate of their members. Does the D still stands for Democracy in the two MDCs or it now stands for Dictatorship? It is these foreign sponsored projects that thrive on dictatorship tendencies and pervert the name democracy. The leaders of these parties are fake Democrats and are the true dictators.
It has come to pass the MDCs with all their surnames and colours have formed a coalition. Robert Mugabe has rightfully pointed out that "it is a coalition of zeros'. As we have said no one would like to associate with the MDC except the MDC itself. Biti, Ncube and Tsvangirai are back where they started and the white supremacist's regime change agenda is on the card. We expect the three to visit Chatham House soon to seek funds and hopefully get some funds from the USA via The Heritage Foundation.
It has come to pass the MDCs with all their surnames and colours have formed a coalition. Robert Mugabe has rightfully pointed out that "it is a coalition of zeros'. As we have said no one would like to associate with the MDC except the MDC itself. Biti, Ncube and Tsvangirai are back where they started and the white supremacist's regime change agenda is on the card. We expect the three to visit Chatham House soon to seek funds and hopefully get some funds from the USA via The Heritage Foundation.
Mugabe has in the meantime been elected at a national Congress by members of his party every five years since 1980. Elections are an element of the democratic process, but because there is no D in ZANU Pf Robert Mugabe will always be labeled a dictator by the white supremacists' propaganda machine.
My question to all Zimbabweans is WHAT IS IN A NAME?